Race and...

Stephanie Allen

Kiyoshi Carter

Katie Dukes

Silent Reflection

What is your first racialized memory
and when did it occur?

Answer each of the following questions: 

            1. What race are you?

            2. Why are you this race?

            3. What does it mean to be this race?

Answer each of the following questions:

1. What race do other people identify you as?

2. Why do they identify you as this race?

3. What does it mean for them to identify you as this race?

What patterns have emerged?

Discuss with the people near you
before we discuss as a group.

To what extent can your race change?

The Myth of Race

So why does race matter?


Race and... Identity

By kdukes

Race and... Identity

Helping students understand that while race is a social construction, it still has massive historical impact.

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