Intersectional Feminism

"Ain't I a woman?"

Women's Rights Conference in Akron, Ohio - 1851

White male hecklers argued women were too weak for political activity and should be protected and treasured instead of given political rights.

Sojourner Truth, a former slave who escaped bandage and successfully sued for her son's freedom, spoke from her heart.

Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex:
A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Policies

  • In 1989, Kimberle Crenshaw published an article that introduced the term "intersectionality."
  • In it, she examines:
    • shortcomings of legal antidiscrimination framework
      • DeGraffenreid v. General Motors
      • Moore v. Hughes Helicopter, Inc.
      • Payne v. Travenol
    • feminism and black women
    • incorporation black women into white feminism and black liberation movements

shortcomings of legal antidiscrimination framework

Specific cases in which black women's issues were dismissed

feminism and black women

incorporation of black women into white feminism 

Work in the context of white feminism

White paradigms of feminism

Rape in the context of white feminism

Incorporation of Black Women into Black Liberation

Black women's issues getting lost within issues of race

Crenshaw's Conclusion 

Intersectionality today

how can we all
incorporate intersectionality
in our daily lives
(if you're so inclined)?

Intersectional Feminism

By kdukes

Intersectional Feminism

An introduction to intersectional feminism.

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