A Brief History of
Policing in America

Slave Codes & Slave Patrols

(Arrival - 1864)

Fugitive Slave Laws

(1793 - 1864)

Convict Leasing

(1844 - 1928)

Black Codes

(1865 - 1866)

Ku Klux Klan

(1866 - Now)

Jim Crow Laws

(1880s - 1950s)


(Arrival - Now)

Great Migration

(1910 - 1970)

Restrictive Covenants

(1910s - 1930s)


(1934 - 1968) 

Civil Rights Movement

(1954 - 1968)

Black Power Movement

(1960s - 1970s)

"Tough on Crime" Rhetoric

(1968 - Now)

War on Drugs

(1971 - Now)

Broken Windows POliciNG

(1980s - Now?)

Crack Epidemic

(1980s - 1990s)

Mandatory Minimum Sentences

(1980s - Now)

1994 Crime Bill

(Um, 1994...)

POlice Militarization

(2001 - Now)

Publicity of POlice Brutality

(2009 - Now)

Related Texts

  • The Condemnation of Blackness
    by Khalil Gibran  Muhammad
  • Slavery By Another Name by Douglas A. Blackmon
  • Worse Than Slavery by David M. Oshinsky
  • The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
  • The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime 
    by Elizabeth Hinton
  • The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
  • Dark Alliance by Gary Webb
  • Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
  • The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore
  • Ghettoside by Jill Leovy
  • The End of Policing by Alex S. Vitale

Related Videos

Related Experts

  • Ida B. Wells
  • James Baldwin
  • Angela Davis
  • Ruth Wilson Gilmore
  • Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • Nikole Hannah Jones
  • Khalil Gibran Muhammad

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A Brief History of Policing in America

By kdukes

A Brief History of Policing in America

A casual outline for a classroom overview and discussion of policing in America. (Has the potential to be edited to include full explanations of each point within each slide.)

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