Words, Language,
& Culture

Why words matter

Words free humans
from the limits of time and space.

People can use them to pass
experieces, ideas, and knowledge to others.

Words are only effective if we have
a shared understanding of what they mean

The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

  • Language is our guide to reality.
  • Our perceptions of the world depend in part on the particular language we have learned.
    • ​Since languages differ, perceptions differ.
  • If something is important to a society, the language will have many words to describe it.
    • Chinese – “sin”
    • Africans & Polynesians – single, all-powerful god
    • Inuit – “snow”

Culture is the knowledge, language,
values, customs, and physical objects shared by members of society.

Material culture is made up of physical objects, such as...

Nonmaterial culture is made up of concepts, such as...

Cultural transmission

depends heavily on symbols
such as language.

Words essentially allow humans
to create culture. 

Does all of this mean
we're prisoners of our language?


Exposure to a new language or vocabulary can alter our perceptions. 

You can expand or limit your outlook depending on how you use words. 


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Words & Culture

By kdukes

Words & Culture

Sociological introduction to the relationship between language and culture, linking to video and audio excerpts from Radiolab's "Words" episode.

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