The Web's Next Transition

Kent C. Dodds

Where we came from, where we are, and where we're going.

Let's wake up

Your brain needs this 🧠

What this talk is

  • A journey through time as a web dev
  • Forward looking
  • A bit of a game

What this talk is not

  • Comprehensive


<a href="/profile">Your Profile</a>

<form method="post" action="/edit/profile">
    Username: <input name="username" />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  • Multi-Page Apps (MPA)
  • Progressively Enhanced Multi-Page Apps (PEMPA)
  • Single Page Apps (SPA)
  • The Next Transition

Web Architectures

Follow the code

  • Persistence
  • Routing
  • Data fetching
  • Data mutation
  • Rendering logic
  • UI Feedback

Multi-Page Apps (MPA)


  1. Simple mental model
  2. Only way to do it 😅


  1. Full-page refresh
  2. Lack of UI feedback control

Multi-Page Apps (MPA)

Progressively Enhanced Multi-Page Apps (PEMPA)


  1. No more refreshes
  2. UI Feedback control


  1. Prevent default
  2. Amount of custom code
  3. Code duplication
  4. Code organization
  5. Server/Client indirection

Progressively Enhanced Multi-Page Apps (PEMPA)

Single Page Apps (SPA)


  1. No code duplication


  1. Most of PEMPAs Cons
  2. Bundle size
  3. Waterfalls
  4. Runtime performance
  5. State management

Single Page Apps (SPA)

Are you ready for the Web's Next Transition?

Introducing the PESPA!

Progressively Enhanced Single Page Apps

Progressively Enhanced Single Page Apps (PESPA)


  1. Simple mental model
  2. No full-page refresh
  3. UI Feedback control
  4. Browser emulation
  5. No code duplication
  6. Reduced client-side JS
  7. No waterfalls
  8. No application state management


  1. Requires servers
  2. Server cost
  3. Universal code
  4. We will certainly discover more...

Progressively Enhanced Single Page Apps (PESPA)


PESPA Implementation:

// app/routes/projects.tsx
export async function loader({ request }: DataFunctionArgs) {
  const projects = await getProjects()
  return json({ projects })

export async function action({ request }: DataFunctionArgs) {
  const form = await request.formData()
  const error = validateProjectForm(form)
  if (error) return json({ error }, { status: 400 })

  const project = await createProject({ title: form.get('title') })
  return redirect(`/projects/${}`)

export default function Projects() {
  const projects = useLoaderData<typeof loader>()
  const actionData = useActionData<typeof action>()
  const { state } = useNavigation()
  const busy = state === 'submitting'

  return (
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            <Link to={project.slug}>{project.title}</Link>

      <Form method="post">
          New Project Title: <input name="title" />
        {actionData?.error ? <p>{actionData.error}</p> : null}
        <button type="submit" disabled={busy}>
          {busy ? 'Creating...' : 'Create New Project'}


You belong here

Thank you!

The Web's Next Transition

By Kent C. Dodds

The Web's Next Transition

The web. What started as a document sharing platform has evolved into an application platform. The web has been through a number of transformations over the years. From static HTML files to dynamic server-generated HTML responses. Then to REST or GraphQL APIs consumed by JavaScript-heavy clients with the Jamstack. The web is entering a completely new transformation. Modern infrastructure and techniques have changed the rules of what it means to make an excellent user experience. In this new future, what's old is new and what's modern is lacking. In this keynote, Kent C. Dodds will show you how this transformation will impact your user experience, your development productivity, and your business goals. The future of the web is distributed. It's faster. It's cheaper. It's exciting. Kent will show you what you can do to stay in front of it (and no, it's not web3).

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