C1 Website
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Improvement

Teaching search engine bots about C1 Website

Kevin C Chen

What Is SEO?

  • Process of improving websites' organic traffic and ranking on search engines (e.g. Google, Bing..etc)
  • Improve how it previews on various social media/IM and on search results
# SEO Primer
# SEO Primer


  • Bring conversions
  • Get more leads 
  • Encourage sales
# Current Issues with No SEO
# Current Issues with No SEO

Search Ranking?



# The HACK - SEO Improvements

Hacking SEO - Content

# The HACK - SEO Improvements

Hacking SEO - Detecting Bot


Thank you!

Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Improvement

By Kevin C.

Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Improvement

  • 95