Vim 101
- No previous knowledge
- Want to learn the fundamentals concepts
- Want to learn the basic navigation
A bit of History
- Ed : line editor
- Ex : Ed improved
- Vi : Ex with visual edition
- Vim : Vi improved
- Neovim : ??
Basic modes
Normal, Insert, Visual
The mode we should spend MOST of the time
- Run Ex commands
- Search for text
- Copy / Replace / Delete text
When we are in another mode, press <esc> to come back to normal
We should leave this mode as soon as possible
Because the undo command will remove all the previous command. An insertion is only one command.
Some way to insert
- a : insert after the current character
- i : insert before the current character
- A : insert after the last character of the line
- I : insert before the first character of the line
It's sometimes faster to manually select lines
We shouldn't use it too much though. It's not repeatable.
How to select?
Just press v to enter visual mode
Update the following text to insert the missing "b" in front of "rown", then insert "The" at the beginning of the
line and finally go back to the end of line to add the missing "."
quick rown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Update the following text to insert the missing "b" in front of "rown", then insert "The" at the beginning of the
line and finally go back to the end of line to add the missing "."
quick rown fox jumps over the lazy dog
First movements
- h : go left one line
- j : go down one line
- k : go up one line
- l : go left one line
A bit more movements
- / : Search for a text in the file
- w : Move to the next word ( )
- W : Move to the next Word (Anything until )
- b : Move to the previous word
- B : Move to the previous Word
- $ : Move to end of line
- ^ : Move to beginning of line
Any movement can take a count.
For example, move to the next second word
Jump to the ".", then go the the beginning of "lazy", then go back to the start of the line. Finally jump to "jumps".
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Jump to the ".", then go the the beginning of "lazy", then go back to the start of the line. Finally jump to "jumps".
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
First commands
- yy : copy the current line
- dd : delete the current line
- p : pasting after
- P : pasting before
Any command can take a count.
For example, to copy the 2 lines
A bit more commands
- y + movement : copy
- d + movement : delete
Example copy the next word
Example delete until "end"
Copy "The quick brown", paste it after the final ".". Then delete the word lazy.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Copy "The quick brown", paste it after the final ".". Then delete the word lazy.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
y/ f<enter>$p/l<enter>dw
Vim 101
By Kevin Disneur
Vim 101
- 1,445