The Zika Virus

By Kim Kary

What is the Zika Virus?

Zika virus is a virus that is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. It is similar to dengue fever (another mosquito borne illness). Zika has been linked to microcephaly—smaller-than-normal head size—in infants. 

Symptoms of Zika virus are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). 

How Mosquio's Spread Zika

Zika Geography

How Zika is Transmitted

Zika is commonly transmitted by mosquito's that are infected with Aedes. Zika can be sexually transmitted, but it is very unlikely. So far there have only been three reported cases of ZIka being sexually transmitted:

information received from

Why Should you be Concerned About Zika?

Zika virus is becoming an international public health emergency. This is primarily because it may be linked to causing birth defects. Zika virus is concerning to everyone because it is untreatable and is growing at a rapid pace. People who are most at risk for being infected are people living in the regions that have infected mosquitos. Pregnant women  should especially be careful and aware. 


Why I Chose this news Article

I chose to do my current events assignment on this epidemic because i think it is important that people are aware of the risks of the Zika virus. Anyone who is pregnant or traveling should know what the risks are and how they can prevent themselves and others from contracting it. I also chose this because it is something that is currently effecting people across the nation.  

This is an important thing for us to know because we should be aware of our surroundings. This will allow everyone to stay as healthy as possible. As well as that, it will reduce how quickly this virus spreads. 


Class Discussion

Do you think Zika may be a cause of the deformation of baby's heads?


Does Zika scare you for traveling to different countries?


Do you think women should be more concerned about contracting the Zika virus apposed to men?


Would you be more concerned about contracting Zika if you were a pregnant woman? 



By kimkary