The basics of DNA testing for genealogists

By Kitty Munson Cooper
Blogging at

98% shared
DNA with him
99.7% with me

are NOT
the same as
personal genome tests
Forensic DNA tests

23 pairs of chromosomes

Three types of personal DNA tests
Y test for father's father's line
mtDNA for mother's mother's line
Autosomal DNA test for all your ancestors

SNP - Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
a DNA mutation where a single letter chang3s
STRs are short tandem repeats
An extra copy is made of a sequence of DNA
An extra copy is made of a sequence of DNA
An extra copy is made of a sequence of DNA
An extra copy is made of a sequence of DNA
An extra copy is made of a sequence of DNA
2 Types of Y DNA Tests
Deep ancestry - haplogroup
More recent ancestry - surname studies

Y Haplogroups

Y Haplogroups
By Chakazul, via Wikimedia Commons [GFDL (

Mitochondria under the microscope
Mitochondrial Haplogroups
Mitochondrial Haplogroups

Three types of DNA tests
Autosomal DNA test looks at the DNA
from ALL your ancestors

Autosomal Inheritance by Steve Morse

Make a DNA chart from grandparents at

Your autosomal test data
Why Do A DNA Test?
- Am I who I think I am?
- Ancestry Composition, as expected?
- Find some distant cousins
- Break a Genealogical Brick Wall

from Cece Moore's blog at

My brother at
My brother at

My brother at

My brother at

My brother at

Newly found cousins may have family stories and photos
My 3rd 1R sent me photos of my gg-grandparents
Where to test? It depends ...
The Big Three:
New DNA Test Companies
- MyHeritage
- LivingDNA

Ancestry DNA is the easiest to use and it finds how you are related to a match
Ancestry has Genetic Communities

Family Tree DNA accepts transfers of data from other testing sites

ftDNA has a Chromosome Browser for Matches

23andme also has a Chromosome Browser for your admix
and you can download the segment data for your ancestry composition

MyHeritage DNA Cousin Matching

Living DNA has a much finer breakdown of ancestral areas in the UK
Health Results: Upload to for $5.00.
For more cousin matches upload to
Also GEDmatch and will give you more ancestry composition results ancestry composition for me and my brother

DNA Testing Basics
By Kitty Cooper
DNA Testing Basics
How personal genome tests can help a genealogist
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