
data-driven documents


  • Popular open-source project
  • A JavaScript library with a focus on data visualizations
  • Data-binding is a powerful method
  • A combination of building blocks (modules)
  • Used for mapping data to the DOM
  • Smooth animation transformations


  • Scalable Vector Graphics
  • XML file format for rendering graphics
  • Can be rendered in modern browsers


  • JavaScript Object Notation
  • Syntax for storing and exchanging data
  • Can present data by:
    • keys/values (objects)
    • array of values
  • Is text only, therefore it can be read and used as a data format by any programming language
   "data": [
         "id": "X999_Y999",
         "from": {
            "name": "Tom Brady", "id": "X12"
         "message": "Looking forward to 2010!",
         "actions": [
               "name": "Comment",
               "link": "http://www.facebook.com/X999/posts/Y999"
               "name": "Like",
               "link": "http://www.facebook.com/X999/posts/Y999"
         "type": "status",
         "created_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000",
         "updated_time": "2010-08-02T21:27:44+0000"

Built-in Request methods

Getting data from another file into an application

  • d3.csv (most used)
  • d3.json (most used)
  • d3.html
  • d3.tsv
  • d3.text
  • d3.xml

Example of methods

// JSON method
d3.json('path-to-file.json', function(error, data){

// CSV method
d3.csv('path-to-file.csv', function(error, data){

// HTML method
d3.html('path-to-file.html', function(error, data){

// text method
d3.text('path-to-file.txt', function(error, data){

// TSV method
d3.tsv('path-to-file.tsv', function(error, data){

// XML method
d3.xml('path-to-file.xml', function(error, data){

d3.json method

// D3 JSON method
d3.json('path-to-file.json', function(error, data){
  if ( error ) {
    // handle the error
  // do something with the loaded data
  • First argument is a callback to a file or data object
  • Second argument is a callback function and is only executed after the request returns data or fails


  • D3 does not store data within variables
  • D3 stores data within the DOM selectors by calling the selection.data() method
  • You can create elements in the DOM based on data

Simple data-binding

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
            <li>Lorem ipsum</li>
            <li>Lorem ipsum</li>
            <li>Lorem ipsum</li>
            <li>Lorem ipsum</li>
// Data to be bind
var dummyData = [2, 30, 45, 11];

// Select all <li>
    // Bind data from Array with the data method
    // Pass the data to <li> and concat px to the data to change styling
    .style('margin-left', function(data) {
        return data + 'px';


  • You first need to select an element because you can change or modify it
  • Takes valid CSS selectors as parameters
  • Uses 2 primary methods
// Returns the first element matching the CSS selector given.

// Returns a selection in an array that contains
// all elements matching the CSS selector given.

Changing attributes

  • Can be used to adjust attributes for SVG's and non-SVG's such as size or position
  • Can be combined with data-binding and mouse events
// method

// Needs 2 values: attribute that needs to be changed and the new value
selection.attr("attribute string", new value);

// Example
circle.attr("r", 55);

Changing styles

  • Can be used to adjust styling for SVG's and non-SVG's such as size or position
  • D3 can utilize these new changes without the need of a patch
  • Can be combined with data-binding and mouse events
// method

// Needs 2 values: CSS style that needs to be changed and the new value
selection.style("CSS Style string", new value);

// Example
circle.style("fill", "#FF0000");
circle.style("stroke", "#000000");


  • Used on a selection to allow it's operators to apply smoothly over time
  • By default it starts and last for a duration of 250ms
// Select an element and chain transition to it

// Select a div element and give it the ease transition


By Kim Massaro


A simple introduction to D3.js

  • 672