What is Git?

  • Free open source distributed version control system

  • Nearly all operations are performed locally

  • Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full version-tracking capabilities

What is version control?

  • It's a repository of files, often the files for the source code of computer programs, with monitored access
  • Each revision is associated with a timestamp and the person making the change
  • Revisions can be compared, restored, and with some types of files, merged

Why use Git?

  • Easy  to learn
  • It's fast which saves time
  • You can work offline
  • Easy to undo mistakes
  • You can group commits
  • Losing data is really hard to do
  • Generally only adds data
  • Has a large community

Git intro

What is a repository

  • The root directory of the project
  • It contains:
    • a set of commit objects
    • a set of references to commit objects

The 3 states

  • Repository (remote)
  • Staging area
  • Working directory (local)

What is a branch?

  • Branches are used to develop features isolated from each other
  • The master branch is the "default" branch when you create a repository
  • Use other branches for development and merge them back upon completion

What is a commit?

  • Records a snapshot of the staging area
  • Allows you to add messages to your snapshot

What does merging mean?

  • Combine another branch context into your current branch
  • It automatically figures out how to best combine the different snapshots into a new snapshot with the unique work of both

What is a conflict?

  • Where the same block of code is edited in different branches and there is no way for a computer to figure it out how to merge
  • Uses conflict markers to point out the conflict
<<<<<<< HEAD
Many Hello World Examples
Hello World Lang Examples
>>>>>>> commit_message

Getting projects

Git clone

  • Copy a git repository locally so you can modify it
git clone git://github.com/username/example.git

Basic snapshotting

Git add

  • Used when you want to include whatever changes you've made to it in your next commit snapshot
  • Anything you've changed that is not added will not be included
// Add a single file
git add filename.html

// Recursively adds all files
git add .

// Recursively adds all files (recurse into subdirectories)
git add *

Git status

  • See if anything has been modified and/or staged since your last commit so you can decide if you want to commit a new snapshot and what will be recorded in it
// Gives you context and hints about the status
git status

// Gives you a short context of the status
git status -s

Git commit

  • Records the snapshot of your staged content
  • It can then be compared, shared and reverted if needed
// Add a descriptive message to your commit
git commit -m "Place commit message here"

Git rm

  • Removes files from the staging area
  • It will also remove them from your working directory
// Removes file from staging area and working directory
git rm filename.html

Branching and merging

Git branch

  • Listing branches, creating branches and deleting branches
// Lists all local branches
git branch

// Lists all remote branches
git branch -r

// Creates a new branch called "example" but will not check out the branch immediately
git branch example

// See the last commit on each branch
git branch -v

// Deletes branch called "example" locally
git branch -d example

// Deletes branch called "example" from remote
git push origin :example

Git checkout

  • Switch between branches
// Check out the branch called "example"
git checkout example

// Creates and immediately switches to the branch called "example"
git checkout -b example

Git merge

  • Merge a branch into your current one
git merge

// Git merge the branch example in current branch
git merge example

Git log

  • Shows the commit history or list of changes people have made that have lead to the snapshot at the tip of the branch
git log

Sharing and updating

Git fetch

  • Synchronise your repository with a remote repository, fetching all the data it has
git fetch origin

Git pull

  • To update your current branch with the latest changes from the remote server
  • Downloads new data and it also directly integrates it into your current working copy files
// Pulls latest version of the branch "example"
git pull origin example

Git push

  • Push your new branches and data to a remote repository to update it with the changes you've made locally
// Pushes your changes to the branch "example"
git push origin example


By Kim Massaro


The basics of Git version control

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