

By Korvin Szanto

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  • Core Team
  • Core Feature
  • Open source

Everything contained within the concrete directory


  • Overrides
  • Custom blocks
  • Configuration
  • Autoloading

Everything contained within the "application" directory


An extension to the core


What your site looks like

  • Elemental
  • CSS and JS
  • Images
  • Page templates
  • Elements
  • Dashboard Theme


A self contained piece of functionality for the front end

  • Content block
  • Form block
  • Autonav block


Also called "IoC container" or "Application"

  • Keeps track of singleton objects
  • Keeps track of class bindings
  • Aliased to "\Core"
  • Used for instantiating objects
  • Manages dependencies


A javascript, css, or less file

  • Registered with the AssetList
  • Included with code
  • Dependencies managed


An object that takes care of an aspect of the application

  • Use to be called "helper" (sort of)
  • General term to refer to classes that do stuff for us
  • Sometimes accompanied by a "Service Provider"


An object that sits between a service to allows for accessing methods statically

  • Just for convenience
  • Tied to the IoC container
  • Enables accessing a service statically
  • Slow, probably should be avoided


A class that coordinates functionality

  • Package controller
  • Block controller
  • Page Theme controller
  • Page Type controller

Copy of concrete5 terminology

By Korvin Szanto

Copy of concrete5 terminology

  • 537