What Are List of Foods To Reduce Period Pain & Cure Menstrual Cramps

By Krishangi Kapoor

What Are List of Foods To Reduce Period Pain & Cure Menstrual Cramps

All women go through this tough time every month. Making it worse, a combination of menstrual cramps, bloating, mood swings make way. Owing to this PMS condition, women get confused about food to eat during period When you are looking for the best food to eat during periods it’s time to choose light, healthy fruits and vegetables that won’t make you feel heavy and solve the problem of what to eat on periods Now that you are well aware of a list of food to eat during periods as well as what to avoid, it’s high-time you start implementing it. Other than these, calcium rich foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt are food to eat during periods but if you are lactose intolerant or vegan, you can switch to supplements like That Time of The Month Chewable Multivitamins Gummies by Power Gummies, best remedies of period pain

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