Inquisitive Mindset

Why and How?

What's Better?

  • More Pay or Less?
  • More Job Satisfaction or Less?
  • More Job Security or Less?
  • More Total Career Success or Less?

Start with your self-interest


As you think about your definition of self-interest, how important are the following to make it real:

  • Understanding and delivering customer value

  • leveraging successful applications

  • Reality-based account-plans

Intralox Customers!

When you hear those words, what thoughts come into your mind?

  • No Cheating

  • Not: "What thoughts should come"
  • What thoughts really do?

Reality Check

  • Money? Orders

  • Stress? Needs? Demands?


  • How confortable do we "sit on out customers side of the table?" *

  • How clearly do we see our customers the way they see themselves?

  • How well do we understand their strategies?

  • What their decision-makers begin their day excited about? Worried about?

* Scott Shannon

Who Cares?

If we don't understand these things, can we

  • Understand / deliver customer value?

  • leverage our installs?

  • make reality based account plans?

Some very successful people

  • Brian Grazer

    • Curious mind to a "Bigger Life"
  • Sean Payton
    • The learningful road to the super bowl
  • Sam Walton
    • Who interviewed reporters
  • Bill Gates/ Warren Buffett
    • Why they are best friends

Private Slides: Your Job over Time

  • Think for a moment about your job, five years ago

  • What were you doing?

    • what was the specific "work" that you did

    • what were you very good at?

    • what were the challenges you faced?

Private Slide: Your Job Now

  • Now thing about your job today

  • What do you do/

    • What is your actual "work

    • what do you need to be very good at?

    • what special challenges do you face?


If you had learned nothing over the past five years how qualified would you be for your job?

When you stop learning

You have begun your journey to irrelevance

Group Discussion Topics (1)

What kind of things do you have to know about an account in order to understand and deliver customer value?

Group Discussion Topics (2)

What kind of things do you have to know about an account in order to leverage installations?

Group Discussion Topics (3)

What kind of things do you have to know about an account in order to write meaningful account plans?

Private Slide: Quick Check

Looking at the results of your discussions, what are 1-3 habits worth building into your account planning/ call planning?

Private Slide: How will you know?

  • For those habits, how will you know if you are improving?

    • what is the evidence that a 'scientist' would accept?

Obstacles to learning

  • Does everyone keep learning, life-long?

  • How can you recognize when someone is thinking like a student?

  • Why do you think some people resist learning?

    • Do we put pressure on ourselves that get in the way of learning?

      • any examples?

Private Slide: Tools and Help

  • For you to make measurable improvements in habits:

    • What tools do you need?

    • What training or coaching?

    • How can your manager help?


Action Item:

--Take your private notes and choose discussion topics for your manager

Inquisitive Mindset

By Krishna Regmi

Inquisitive Mindset

  • 1,297