Second Oral Presentation

Ingmar Dasseville - 15/11/2016


First Paper

  • Experimental evaluation of a state-of-the-art grounder.
    Jansen, J., Dasseville, I., Devriendt, J., Janssens, G. (2014).


Workshops ICLP

  • A web-based IDE for IDP.
    Dasseville, I., Janssens, G. (2015).
  • Visualising interactive inferences with IDPD3
    Lapauw, R., Dasseville, I., Denecker, M. (2015).

Main Conference ICLP

  • Semantics of templates in a compositional framework for building logics.
    Dasseville, I., van der Hallen, M., Janssens, G., Denecker, M. (2015). 



  •  The KB paradigm and its application to interactive configuration.
    Van Hertum, P., Dasseville, I., Janssens, G., Denecker, M. (2016)
  • In PADL + TPLP
  • Combining DMN and the knowledge base paradigm for flexible decision enactment.
    ​Dasseville, I., Janssens, L., Janssens, G., Vanthienen, J., Denecker, M. (2016).


ICLP 2016

(technical communication)

  • A Compositional Typed Higher-Order Logic with Definitions
    Dasseville, Ingmar ; van der Hallen, Matthias ; Bogaerts, Bart ; Janssens, Gerda ; Denecker, Marc

ADS Requirements

  • 1 DTAI seminar given, 1 more needed
  • Participation in ICLP 2015, ICLP 2016, RuleML 2016
  • Education:
    • Declarative Languages
    • Modelling of Complex Systems
    • 4 thesis students
  • ECTS credits
    • DTAI Seminars: 3 credits
    • ESSLI Summer School: 2 credits
    • ACAI Summer School: 1 credit
    • Missing transferable credits?


  • 2016-2017:
    • Implementing IDP4
  • 2017-2018:
    • Publish LambdASP
    • Publish IDP4
    • Finish by October 2018

Copy of Second Oral Presentation

By krr

Copy of Second Oral Presentation

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