E-Shopping Cart 

How To build?

  • Its basically a command line project because it's difficult to build GUI in c++  language.
  • we Need  three things to build shopping cart   Product,  Items,  Cart .
  • Here We use mainly the concept of object oriented and data structure.



Product is an Object

what is item?

  • Each row of product is treated as item.
  • item has product and quantity. if qty increase then price automatic increase.
  • it's nothing but a list of Data structure.

Shopping App : Component




  1      1

N      1

  • Id
  • Name
  • Price
  • Product
  • Quantity
  • Price
  • Items
  • Total
Feature We are going to see are :- view product, add product, and checkout.

Product Class.

class Product
    int id;
    string name;
    int price;

    Product(int u_id, string name, int price)
        id = u_id;
        this->name = name;
        this->price = price;
    string getDisplayName()
        return name + " : Rs " + to_string(price) + "\n";
    string getShortName()
        return name.substr(0, 1);
    friend class Item;
    friend class Cart;

Item Class

class Item
    Product product;
    int quantity;

    // Constructor using a Init List
    Item() {}
    Item(Product p, int q) : product(p), quantity(q) {}

    int getItemPrice()
        return quantity * product.price;
    string getItemInfo()
        return to_string(quantity) + " x " + product.name + " Rs. " + 
        to_string(quantity * product.price) + "\n";

    friend class Cart;

Cart Class

class Cart
    unordered_map<int, Item> items;

    void addProduct(Product product)
        if (items.count(product.id) == 0)
            Item newItem(product, 1);
            items[product.id] = newItem;
            items[product.id].quantity += 1;

    int getTotal()
        // Todo
        int total = 0;
        for (auto itemPair : items)
            auto item = itemPair.second;
            total += item.getItemPrice();
        return total;

    string viewCart()
        if (items.empty())
            return "Cart is empty";

        string itemizedList;
        int cart_total = getTotal();

        for (auto itemPair : items)
            auto item = itemPair.second;

        return itemizedList + "\n Total Amount : Rs. " + to_string(cart_total) + '\n';
    // later on
    bool isEmpty()
        return items.empty();

Main Code 

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "demo.h"
using namespace std;

vector<Product> allProducts = {
    Product(1, "apple", 26),
    Product(3, "mango", 16),
    Product(2, "guava", 36),
    Product(5, "banana", 56),
    Product(4, "strawberry", 29),
    Product(6, "pineapple", 20),

Product *chooseProduct()

    // Display the list of products
    string productList;
    cout << "Available Products " << endl;

    for (auto product : allProducts)
    cout << productList << endl;

    cout << "----------------" << endl;
    string choice;
    cin >> choice;

    for (int i = 0; i < allProducts.size(); i++)
        if (allProducts[i].getShortName() == choice)
            return &allProducts[i];
    cout << "Product not found!" << endl;
    return NULL;
bool checkout(Cart &cart)
    if (cart.isEmpty())
        return false;
    int total = cart.getTotal();
    cout << "Pay in Cash";
    int paid;
    cin >> paid;

    if (paid >= total)
        cout << "Change " << paid - total << endl;
        cout << "Thank you for shopping!";
        return true;

        cout << "Not enough cash!";
        return false;

int main()

    char action;
    Cart cart;
    cout << "\t\t";
    cout << "----------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "\t\t\t";
    cout << " Welcome to the big mall \n";
    cout << "\t\t";
    cout << "----------------------------------------\n";
    while (true)
        cout << "Select an action -  (a)dd item, (v)iew cart, (c)heckout" << endl;
        cin >> action;

        if (action == 'a')
            // Todo: Add to Cart
            //  View All Products + Choose Product + Add to the Cart
            Product *product = chooseProduct();
            if (product != NULL)
                cout << "Added to the Cart " << product->getDisplayName() << endl;
        else if (action == 'v')
            // View the Cart
            cout << "------------------" << endl;
            cout << cart.viewCart();
            cout << "------------------" << endl;
            // Checkout
            if (checkout(cart))

    return 0;

Demo Code

// Product, Item, Cart
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
// Forward Declaration
class Item;
class Cart;

class Product
    int id;
    string name;
    int price;

    Product(int u_id, string name, int price)
        id = u_id;
        this->name = name;
        this->price = price;
    string getDisplayName()
        return name + " : Rs " + to_string(price) + "\n";
    string getShortName()
        return name.substr(0, 1);
    friend class Item;
    friend class Cart;

class Item
    Product product;
    int quantity;

    // Constructor using a Init List
    Item() {}
    Item(Product p, int q) : product(p), quantity(q) {}

    int getItemPrice()
        return quantity * product.price;
    string getItemInfo()
        return to_string(quantity) + " x " + product.name + " Rs. " + to_string(quantity * product.price) + "\n";

    friend class Cart;

class Cart
    unordered_map<int, Item> items;

    void addProduct(Product product)
        if (items.count(product.id) == 0)
            Item newItem(product, 1);
            items[product.id] = newItem;
            items[product.id].quantity += 1;

    int getTotal()
        // Todo
        int total = 0;
        for (auto itemPair : items)
            auto item = itemPair.second;
            total += item.getItemPrice();
        return total;

    string viewCart()
        if (items.empty())
            return "Cart is empty";

        string itemizedList;
        int cart_total = getTotal();

        for (auto itemPair : items)
            auto item = itemPair.second;

        return itemizedList + "\n Total Amount : Rs. " + to_string(cart_total) + '\n';
    // later on
    bool isEmpty()
        return items.empty();

Thank You

E-Shopping Cart

By Kuldeep

E-Shopping Cart

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