Building data-driven apps with React

new slide, who dis?

Kuldeep Saxena


Platform Engineer
worked @GeekyAnts 

Data driven apps 🤔

Observer Pattern 👀

One-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated accordingly.

Search box


Component A

Brand Category

Range Slider

Component B

Component A

Brand Category

more components


New Query



Elasticsearch 🤘 

Distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of storing, searching, and analyzing big volumes of data quickly (milliseconds)

How to Elasticsearch

  1. Defining data mappings
  2. Indexing data
  3. Search queries


Mapping is the process of defining how a document, and the fields it contains, are stored and indexed.

Indexing data

Elasticsearch queries

Introducing ReactiveSearch

A React UI components library for building data-driven apps

ReactiveSearch offerings

  • Easy to setup
  • 30+ UI Components
  • Flexible class injection and theming customizations
  • Query Customisation support
  • Component-to-Component communication
  • Component-to-Server communication
  • Streaming support
  • Creating custom *Reactive* components

Platform agnostic core architecture


  • React Native (Same Component API)
  • Maps
  • Vue (beta)

Catch us in action

@bietkul 👶

Building data-driven apps with React

By kuldep saxena

Building data-driven apps with React

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