Building data-driven apps with



Kuldeep Saxena


Senior Software Engineer
worked @GeekyAnts

Data-driven apps 🤔

Observer Pattern 👀

One-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated accordingly.

Elasticsearch 🤘 

Distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of storing, searching, and analyzing big volumes of data quickly (milliseconds).

  1. Powerful Query DSL
  2. Data aggregations

Why Elasticsearch?

How to Elasticsearch?

  1. Defining data mappings
  1. Defining data mappings
  2. Indexing data

How to Elasticsearch?

  1. Defining data mappings
  2. Indexing data
  3. Search queries

How to Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch queries

Challenges in building data-driven apps

  1. Component-component communication
  2. Component-server communication (ElasticSearch)

Building a search app from scratch


A UI components library for building data-driven apps with ElasticSearch

Another component library?

ReactiveSearch works with any ElasticSearch index hosted anywhere.

You don't need to be a search expert.

Time saving

Build a prototype in just few minutes


Search component example

Bookstore Demo 

ReactiveSearch offerings

30+ UI Components


Flexible class injection and theming customizations

Query Customisation support

Streaming support

Server Side Rendering

Creating custom *Reactive* components

ReactiveSearch ecosystem

  • React Native (Same Component API)

ReactiveSearch ecosystem

  • React Native (Same Component API)
  • Maps

ReactiveSearch ecosystem

  • React Native (Same Component API)
  • Maps
  • Vue (beta)

What's new in 3.0?

  • Voice Search
  • GraphQL support
  • Accessibility enhancements


Used by these awesome folks

Powering your ES apps with Arc


Powering your ES apps with Arc


Catch us in action

@bietkul 👶

Thanks 🙂

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By kuldep saxena

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