Question 3

Use of media technologies

Throughout the making of my music video and ancillary work, planning and research i have used a wide range of different technologies.

Final cut

In the making of my music video we used final cut pro to edit our clips on a final cut timeline. After using the JVC GY-HM150 cameracorder to film our music we took all the filmed clips off our memory card and moved it on to our hard drive. I seleceted the clips i wanted to use and dropped them on my time line. Final cut was very good for editing my music video as i could us the razor blade tool to cut clips up and then drag them together to on the time line putting the clips i wanted together in order. Another way i used final cut pro was by using it to put edits clips, in parts of my music video where the tempo slowed down i used and slow motion effect, this made the video and the song flow well in my music video. In final cut it also helped me to edit the music over my music video, i did this by muteing the audio from the clips i recorded and using the audio of the orginal music video as i dragged the orginal audio above my recorded audio in order to make this play instead of my audio.


I used blogger for my planning and research post as well as keep posting about what i have done so far in my production. I blog post by opening a new post and either writeing on a normal blog post and adding images or using another presentation softwear such as prezi and embeding it into the post in order to make it appear on my blog.


i used photoshop for the making of my of digipak and advert. I used this on my digipak through first opening a 2 plate digipak template, after doing this i opened the images i wanted to use in photoshop and began editing them. I used the magic wand tool to select the part of the image i wanted to use and the used the pointer tool to drag it on the another image making the image appear asif they are one. I used the rubber tool to get rid any little things such as piece of previous images left on my new image. On my magazine advert i used a normal basic photoshop page to edit it and dragged a screenshot of the front cover of my digipak on to the page this was very easy as all i need to do is open the new image in photoshop and then drag it on to my magazine advert.

Social media


These are the links to the to social media account i made to promote our music video. I made a facebook like page under our artist name pkaur blue and used this page to imform fans of the release of our music video and also posted images of us filming our video. I did this also with twitter and also tweeted questions to fans asking them about the things they liked so far about the music video and any imporvements they could suggest.



I used the interent mainly for research purpose and used it to find out the different theorys of carol vernallis and andrew goodwin.

I also used youtube to view the orginal music video of our music video and to also research other music videos that inspired my video, this was very useful as there were related videos on the side which i watched and was able to find a wide range of different videos that inspired my music videos and gave me different ideas that i was able to use in my music video such as shots and costume.

Question 3

By kye

Question 3

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