Kyle Fritz
baltimore technologist. gravity skeptic. director of reverse engineering at @OrderUp.
As we look at packages like react-native, react-art, react-canvas, and react-three, it has become clear that the beauty and essence of React has nothing to do with browsers or the DOM.
-- React 0.14 release notes
let golf = {
holes: [ ... ],
scores: [ ... ],
player: {
name: "Kyle",
handicap: 20
let render = (props) => {
return (`
${} has played golf ${props.scores.length} times
let html = render(golf)
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.(…)
let App = (props) => {
return (
{} has played golf {props.scores.length} times
React.render(<App {}/>, document.body)
let Score = (props) => {
let total = _.reduce(props.holes, (m, h)=> m + h.score)
return (
Total Score {total}
let App = (props) => {
return (
<h1>{} has played {props.holes.length} times</h1>
<Score holes={props.holes} />
React.render(<App {}/>, document.body)
class Score extends React.Component {
render() {
let total = _.reduce(this.props.holes, (m, h)=> m + h.score)
return <div>Total Score {total}</div>
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<h1>{} has played {this.props.holes.length} times</h1>
<Score holes={this.props.holes} />
React.render(<App {}/>, document.body)
class Score extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {realScores: false}
render() {
let total = _.reduce(this.props.holes, (m, h)=> m + h.score)
return (<div>
Total Score {total}
<i onClick={=> this.toggleScores()} class="question" />
toggleScores() {
this.setState({realScores: !this.state.realScores})
class SomeView extends Backbone.Model
'change': 'render'
class OtherView extends Backbone.Model
'change': 'render'
initialize: ->
@model.submodel.on('change', @render)
class LameView extends Backbone.Model
'change': 'render'
initialize: ->
@model.submodel.on 'change', () =>
@model.submodel.getSomething().on('change', @render)
let data = { ... }
let api = {
getThing: function() {
xhr((thing) => {
data.thing = thing
let reRenderEverthing = () => {
React.render(<App {} />, document.body)
Key-Value Store of the Day
By Kyle Fritz
baltimore technologist. gravity skeptic. director of reverse engineering at @OrderUp.