系統設計 System Design

Frontend Infra & Beyond Frontend - (2)

@FE Mentor Program


Pure Frontend System Design


Roadmap For Beyond Frontend

Basic & Generic System Design for FE Engineer

Basic & Generic System Design for FE Engineer

Why should I learn SD as a frontend engineer ? 🧐


Frontend Engineer

Backend Engineer

DevOps Engineer

Data Engineer

Software Engineer

Cloud Engineer


I think it‘s not just for the interviews. 🎃

🌚 - Ability to work with complex system

🥺 - Junior Developer -> Senior Developer

😀 - Communicate with different roles

🧐 - FE tends to need BE skills today

From LINE Developer talk in conference

Distributed System 分散式系統 👌

Assume that...

How about..

And how about..

And if...


把剛剛的人想成網路流量,交通工具想成伺服器,我們知道單機的 Vertical Scaling 有局限性,也暴露了 Single Point Of Failure 的風險






分散式系統是一個超級複雜的 Topic,今天只會講到皮毛,有興趣可以參考 MIT 6.824 分散式系統課程

我們希望設計出來的系統擁有哪些特性? 👀





Scalability 可擴展性/可擴縮性


Reliability 可靠性

Availability 可用性



Availability % = (available time / total time) *100

Availability 可用性

Efficiency 高效率

Latency 延遲:執行一個操作要花費的「時間長度」。

Throughput 吞吐量:以一個時間區間作為單位,單位時間內可以執行「幾次」操作,或運算的「次數」。

High Concurrency


故名思義,代表一個系統是不是方便管理,是不是能快速迭代新功能?是不是能夠快速追蹤 bug?或是能不能把 infrastructure 抽象化,讓應用工程師可以專注在程式邏輯的開發。



Manageability 可管理性

IaC (Infrastructure as Code)

# Cloudformation example

    Description: An existing security group ID (optional).
    Default: NONE
    Type: String
      - default
      - NONE
  CreateNewSecurityGroup: !Equals [!Ref ExistingSecurityGroup, NONE]
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
      ImageId: "ami-0ff8a91507f77f867"
      SecurityGroups: !If [CreateNewSecurityGroup, !Ref NewSecurityGroup, !Ref ExistingSecurityGroup]
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
    Condition: CreateNewSecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Enable HTTP access via port 80
          IpProtocol: tcp
          FromPort: 80
          ToPort: 80
    Description: Group ID of the security group used.
    Value: !If [CreateNewSecurityGroup, !Ref NewSecurityGroup, !Ref ExistingSecurityGroup]

Key Components in SD 🧠



Replication & Redundant


Load Balancing

Message Queue

Schema Design

Database (SQL vs NoSQL)

Partition & Sharding

DB Master-Slave

CAP Theorem



Replication & Redundant


Load Balancing

Schema Design

Database (SQL vs NoSQL)

Partition & Sharding

CAP Theorem


DB Master-Slave

Message Queue


Caching 👻




1. Cache Hit 直接返回

2. Cache Miss 從 DB 拿資料

3. 把資料寫進 Cache


Load Balancing 🧜‍♀️


Least Connected


面對系統設計時的思維走向 🐝

Step 1. 釐清系統需求

🌚 - Non-Functional Requirements

🌞 - Functional Requirements

Step 2. 關於系統流量、容量、網路頻寬等指標的粗略估算

DAU ? Network Traffic ? Storage Capacity ?Memory  For Caching ? Read : Write = {} : {} ?.......

Step 3. 定義 System Interface

uploadVideo(user_id, video_content, video_location, user_location, ……)

addVideoToFavorite(user_id, video_id, timestamp, …….)

Step 4. 定義 Data Model | DB Schema

User: UserID, Name, Email, DoB, CreationDate, LastLogin, ….

Video: VideoID,VideoLink, VideoLocation, NumberOfLikes, TimeStamp, …

Step 5. High Level Design

Step 6. System Detailed Design

Step 7. Find Trade Off And Try To Solve It

Never feel that your design is perfect

Let's design a Netflix (or YT) like streaming system 🙈

Step 1. 釐清系統需求

🌞 - Functional Requirements

  • Users should be able to upload videos
  • Users should be able to share and view videos.
  • Users should be able to perform searches based on video titles.
  • Our services should be able to record stats of videos, e.g., likes/dislikes, total number of views, etc.
  • Users should be able to add and view comments on videos.

Step 1. 釐清系統需求

🌚 - Non-Functional Requirements

  • The system should be highly reliable, any video uploaded should not be lost.
  • The system should be highly available. Consistency can take a hit (in the interest of availability); if a user doesn’t see a video for a while, it should be fine.
  • Users should have a real-time experience while watching videos and should not feel any lag.

Step 2. 關於系統流量、容量、網路頻寬等指標的粗略估算

Total users:  1.5 Billion

DAU:  800 Million

A user view 5 videos per day on average

So, the total video view per second of our system will be...

800M * 5 / 86400 sec => 46K videos/sec

Step 2. 關於系統流量、容量、網路頻寬等指標的粗略估算

upload : view ratio =>  1 : 200

46K / 200 => 230 videos/sec

230 videos uploaded per second

What about  Storage ?

every minute 500 hours worth of videos are uploaded to our system

One minute of video needs 50MB of storage

 Total storage needed for videos uploaded in a minute would be ...

500 hours * 60 min * 50MB => 1500 GB/min (25 GB/sec)

Step 2. 關於系統流量、容量、網路頻寬等指標的粗略估算

What about  Bandwidth ?

 With 500 hours of video uploads per minute , assuming uploading each minute of the video takes 10MB of the bandwidth, we would be getting 300GB of uploads every minute.

500 hours * 60 mins * 10MB => 300GB/min (5GB/sec)

Assuming an upload:view ratio of 1:200, we would need 1TB/s outgoing bandwidth.

Step 3. 定義 System Interface

Step 4. 定義 Data Model | DB Schema

Step 4. 定義 Data Model | DB Schema

Video metadata storage - MySQL

Videos metadata can be stored in a SQL database. The following information should be stored with each video

  • VideoID
  • Title
  • Description
  • Size
  • Thumbnail
  • Uploader/User
  • Total number of likes
  • Total number of dislikes
  • Total number of views

Step 5. High Level Design

Step 6. System Detailed Design

🌚 - Load Balancing

🎃 - Caching

🌍 - CDN

所以...你現在覺得...我當初面試表現的如何? 🙈

Pure Frontend System Design

R.A.D.I.O Framework

  • R - Requirements: Laying the Foundation
  • A - Architecture and High-Level Design
  • D - Data Model: Managing Client-Only Data
  • I - Interface Definition and API Design: Making Informed Choices
  • O - Optimizations and Deep Dive


Architecture/High-Level Design

  • Identifying the key components of the product,
  • How the components interact with each other
  • How they are related
  • Diagrams are your friends here

Architecture/High-Level Design

Data Model

Describe the various data entities, the fields they contain and which component(s) they belong to

Server Originated Data (Server State)

Client Only Data (Client State)

  • Data to be persisted
  • Ephemeral Data
enum FeedItemType {
  // Populate with the actual types, e.g.:
  // etc...

interface User {
  name: string;
  // ... other properties

interface UserSettings {
  timeZone: string;
  accessibilityPreferences: AccessibilityPreferences;
  // ... other properties

interface AccessibilityPreferences {
  // Define specific accessibility preferences

interface StyledText {
  // Define properties for styled text

interface Media {
  // Define properties for media content

interface FeedItemContent {
  title: StyledText;
  body: StyledText;
  media: Media;
  // ... other properties

interface FeedItemComments {
  // Define properties for feed item comments

interface FeedItem {
  type: FeedItemType;
  creationDate: string;
  author: User;
  content: FeedItemContent;
  comments: FeedItemComments[];

interface Feed {
  items: FeedItem[];
  page: number;
  size: number;

interface App {
  user: User;
  settings: UserSettings;
  feed: Feed;

Interface Definition (API)

Objective: Define the interface between components in the product, functionality of the various APIs, their parameters and responses.

API for UI Component System Design ?

Optimization & Deep Dive



Assets Optimization





Web Workers & WASM

Memory Management

Optimization & Deep Dive

Objective: Discuss about possible optimization opportunities and specific areas of interest when building the product.

(If in interview, take about 40% of time)

  • Focus on the important part of the product
  • Focus on your strengths

General Optimization & Deep Dive Areas

  • Performance
  • User Experience
  • Network
  • Accessibility (a11y)
  • Multilingual Support
  • Multi-device Support
  • Security
  • Architecture

Example: Micro Frontend 的共同議題

  • 網頁效能
  • 設計系統
  • 知識共享 (ex: logging system, package)

Summary For FE System Design

Roadmap For Beyond Frontend

(Frontend Focused Software Engineer)


Advanced Frontend

  • 瀏覽器運作機制&架構
  • 效能優化
  • 前端框架底層原理
  • 開源套件 Source Code
  • 測試 (Reference)
  • 變化特別快,盡量跟上新技術


  • API Development
  • SQL, Database Architecture (Ref1, Ref2) & Management
  • Serverless & Cloud
  • 效能優化 (LB, query optimization, cache, DS & Algo...etc)
  • Networking
  • Distributed System
  • Consistency (ACID, Transaction)


  • Docker
  • Kubernetes (CKAD vs CKA)
  • Server & Resource Management
  • CI / CD
  • Observability & Monitoring
  • Artifact Management

Software Architecture



Frontend Infra & Beyond Frontend - (2)

By kylemo860617

Frontend Infra & Beyond Frontend - (2)

  • 353