A Vue Into the Frontend
or: A Backend Developer's Adventures With Frontend Coding with Vue.js and Laravel
Rebecca Martin
Introductions and what this talk is about
- Developer at Flexera
- Mainly use Python, Golang
- Also do a bit of Rust and PHP
- What do these have in common?
This is usually what my websites look like...
Introductions and what this talk is about
- Will mostly concern my experience learning Vue.js in conjunction with Laravel
- Also will have a brief look at CSS (ugh)
- Also parrots
So why did you learn Vue?
- Was sick of having all my web demos look like a time warp to 1998
- It was bundled with Laravel anyway
- Seemed easy enough to learn
What is Vue.js, anyway?
I still don't honestly know- Javascript framework
- Open-source (yay!)
- Mainly used for building UI
- Designed to be a lot more approachable than other frameworks
So why use it then?
- Easy to pick up compared to other frameworks
- Bundled with several web frameworks - most notably Laravel (PHP)
- Can be easily embedded into pages
- Very reactive
How to use it with Laravel
- Bundled with Laravel as default
- Can use other JS frameworks as well
- Usually modify the app.js file and include it in the Blade template
- Live coding? Demo??
A Vue Into the Frontend
By laches1sm
A Vue Into the Frontend
- 990