PyBelfast - Comparison between Django and Flask

Rebecca Martin, PyBelfast @laches1sm 


So wtf am I talking/slabbering about now?

  • Do you really want to know?
    • Yes?
      • Oh no
      • Comparing Flask with Django
      • At least there might be parrots?

What even is Django and Flask?

  • Both are web frameworks compiled in Python, used for building web applications, APIs, etc....
  • Flask is a microframework, Django is simply a framework

Flask / Django

  • Differing aims - Flask aims to 'keep the core simple but extensible' 
  • Django - more about encouraging rapid development

Flask / Django

  • Flask is based on WSGI - so needs a central callable object that is the implementation of the application 
  • Gives several advantages:
    1. Subclassing
    2. Reflection of information 
    3. 'Explicit is better than implicit' 

Flask / Django

  • Django is more based on the MVC principle:
  • ORM --> Data model --> View --> Controller
  • Django does most of the work for you
  • Less customisable than Flask 

Flask / Django - Routing

  • Flask - Werkzeug 
  • Django - URL dispatcher/URL Conf

Flask / Django - Templates

  • Flask - Only one template - Jinga2 
  • Django - Can use many - default is Django Template language

Flask / Django - Best situation

  • Flask is great if you want to customise anything and everything
  • Django - has most everything bundled with it - a great Python web framework for beginners

Flask / Django - General Differences

  • Flask is built on customisability - can be extended
  • Django is built to take care of most web development concerns

Flask / Django - Any questions


By laches1sm


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