Django Girls Lightening Talk

Why Rust is cool

Rebecca Martin (totally not Sigma) @laches1sm

What *is* Rust, anyway?

  • Rust is a programming language (duh)
  • Systems programming language
  • Developed by Mozilla
  • Very similar to C++...
  • but don't let that scare you!

Why use Rust?

  • Aim is to reach across multiple domains 
  • Extremely speedy and efficient 
  • Can go very low level very easily 
  • Cargo 

That seems cool - but how can *I* use Rust?

  • Rust can be used for multiple use cases
  • You can go really low level if that's your thing
  • Or you can use it for web development

Oh noes live demo(s) time

  • Guessing game
  • A website demo with Rocket


django girls rust

By laches1sm

django girls rust

  • 1,375