Call Graph

Gap between the present scenario and what it is supposed to be.


1. No direct way to find bottleneck services

2. No direct way to find bottleneck methods

3. Not everyone can't understand the complete call loop picture using our current debugging stack.

4. Risk of missing information is relatively high

5. We can't correlate our calls with the captured metrics.


Let's speculate!

Scenario 1

You have a call link

Scenario II

You don't have call link(s)

Scenario III

You don't know what it is supposed to be

Scenario IV

Data Viz

Scenario V

Custom Variables

More ...

Standard JSON Reports

Correlation with the application logs

Application instrumentation SDKs


1. Language Coverage for instrumentation

2. View request-response data for all network requests

We're almost done

1. A de-facto internal tool for debugging a call loop.

2. It will enable roles to debug a scenario instead of just individual personas.

3. Everyone will have a better-shared understanding of a call loop.


Call Graph Init

By lamba

Call Graph Init

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