Milan Djordjevic
I am a WordPress enthusiast, educator and project manager, with a neverending energy to contribute to the community! I am using WordPress in order to achieve that! One of the founders of #WPNis
april 2024
CTO & Co-Owner
Budućnost je u IT-u
1. Do sada sam imao 4 različita državljanstva
2. Pričam 4 jezika tečno
3. Skakao sam iz aviona padobranom
1. Da li znate ko je izumeo WordPress?
2. Koliki je procenat sajtova radjen u WordPress-u u svetu?
3. U kojoj tehnologiji je WordPress pisan?
By Milan Djordjevic
Mašinski fakultet
I am a WordPress enthusiast, educator and project manager, with a neverending energy to contribute to the community! I am using WordPress in order to achieve that! One of the founders of #WPNis