Team up for Themes
1. #WPNS
We are at 26.7%
Why we contribute?
Contribution costs.
It takes time.
It takes freaki' time.
You will learn...
...a lot!
My contribution story.
Join us.
During the war...
WCEU 2013
@porreirinha approves
Favourite WordCamp
Well, second favourite...
Joost de Valk: The Victory of the Commons
Contributor day
First "contributions"
If I could do it...
You can, too.
Everything counts.
Every contribution counts.
Thanks to @grapplerulrich
...and #WCCH 2014
I joined Theme Review Team
What is a Theme Review Team?
We are a group of volunteers who review and approve themes submitted to be included in the official WordPress Theme directory.
We are a group of volunteers who review and approve themes submitted to be included in the official WordPress Theme directory.
The Theme Review team maintains the official Theme Review Requirements, the Theme Unit Test Data, and the Theme Check Plugin.
We also engage and educate the WordPress Theme community regarding best practices for themes.
We also engage and educate the WordPress Theme community regarding best practices for themes.
619 new tickets are waiting for review
577 tickets are older than 2 weeks
599 tickets are older than 1 week
610 tickets are older than 3 days
85 tickets are assigned.
619 new tickets are waiting for review
I am here to engage :)
Rules are simple.
All must be met.
Become a Reviewer account
Join Slack
Tuesdays, 9:00 PM GMT+3 (18:00 UTC).
Meetings are a great way to get involved
Subscribe to Make Blog
Set up your testing environment
Any WP environment will do
Recommendation: VVV
Varying Vagrant Vagrants
In combination with: VV
Variable Varying Vagrant Vagrants
vv create
vv remove site_name
Any WP environment will do
On Windows
Disclaimer: This was a joke
So there is no excuses!
Import the theme
unit test data
Set WP_DEBUG to 'true'
Install Developer plugin
Awesome tool!
Join in
Milan Ivanovic
1. #WPNS
By Milan Ivanović
1. #WPNS
- 1,659