Theories we used


Our opening sequence featured enigma codes to create suspense and drama. We start the sequence off with awkwardly close shots of the characters, in these close ups many of the characters, who haven't been revealed completely to the audience yet, are fidgeting. This unsettles the audience as they think the character has something to hide.


As our sequence was very character-driven we took the types of characters in it into consideration.

Detective Sean Mann- The Hero/ Villain: He can be seen as both due to him being the central character in charge of finding out what happened. He can be seen as a villain as he has questionable ulterior motives.

The School kids can all be seen as False Heros as they disrupt the hero (Sean Mann) by inaccurately telling him what happened with Peter Smith.


We didn't use the classic narrative pattern in our opening sequence as we saw that in other crime mystery dramas the classic narrative pattern did not work due to the film usually starting off in a period of disruption and due to the enigma codes that are used to subvert the audiences assumptions.

Theories used (sayo)

By Latymer Media

Theories used (sayo)

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