State of the Drupal frontend


Twitter: @laurii1

Lauri Eskola - lauriii

  • Provisional Drupal Framework Manager (Frontend)
  • Team lead @ Druid
  • Currently lives in Bangkok



There are sprints on Sunday in Impact Hub!

Keeping built-in tools up-to-date

What do front-end developers expect?*







Type validation (i.e. Flow)

 Framework for managing state

Drupal Core stack






- Webpack

- Type validation library (i.e. Flow)

-  Framework for managing state

+ Backbone

+ Underscore

+ jQuery



  • 8.1.0 included a new test base to test JavaScript
  • Tests has to be still written in PHP
  • Work happening to introduce proper JavaScript unit testing and integration tests written in JavaScript



JavaScript framework

  • Dries has proposed decoupling Drupal frontend in his blog
  • Group of people are building a new distribution that would demonstrate how decoupling works with Drupal

Out-of-the-box experience

There's nothing wrong with Bartik. It is just old


  • Add content to Drupal during installation
  • Show a new and refreshed theme
  • Bundle them together in a new installation profile





  • Seven doesn't have active maintainer
  • A lot of efforts done by the usability team
  • Two additional Drupal Core product managers!

The core markup is unable to evolve

Themes shipped with Drupal core

  • Stark
    • Not backward compatible
    • Only to test markup shipped in modules
  • Stable
    • Contains all CSS and templates from 8.0.0
    • Backward compatible
    • All templates will be replaced before 9.0.0 is tagged
  • Classy
    • Extends Stable
    • Contains more opinionated markup Drupal ships with
    • Backward compatible

Themes shipped with Drupal core

  • Seven
    • Extends Classy
    • Default admin theme on standard installation profile
    • Installer theme
    • Not backwards compatible
  • Bartik
    • Extends Classy
    • Default user facing theme on standard installation profile
    • Not backwards compatible

Allowed to change markup

Stable is being reset before 9.0.0

Scalability issues

Slide by @areaweb

Tightly coupled components


  • Components are not re-usable
    • Prevents creating style guides
    • Makes the frontend less scalable
  • Working in parallel is difficult
  • Mainly caused by single component being responsible of too many things

Drupal Core is missing examples of this

The main problems with the approach


Currently there is a big trade off in all of the different approaches. All of the approaches has chosen one:


  1. Provide only partial support for the current feature set
  2. Make front-end only partly loosely coupled

Theme component library initiative

Some of the on going efforts to improve this

Unify & simplify render & theme system: component-based rendering (enables pattern library, style guides, interface previews, client-side re-rendering)


Require Node.js for Drupal 9 core and rewrite some of Drupal's UI code from PHP to JS


Theme system improvements roadmap

Complexity issues

Picture from @SGreenwellUT

Everything is mutable


  • Anything could change at any point in a time
  • Makes the system coupled
  • It is impossible to know all the APIs we currently provide
  • Makes debugging complex

Controller for Page

Template preprocess

Default preprocess

Preprocess for suggestions for page

Default template

Render element default values

Pre render



override for article

Controller for Article

Preprocess for suggestions for article

Bug report!


You have a bug in Article node view. Please try to isolate where this problem could be.

Controller for Page

Template preprocess

Default preprocess

Preprocess for suggestions for page

Default template

Render element default values

Pre render



override for article

Controller for Article

Preprocess for suggestions for article

Some features rely on this approach


  • Quickedit and Contextual links inject markup and attributes in a "generic" way to variables that are printed in the default node.html.twig
  • If attributes or the markup is not being printed in the way the module expects, they stop working
  • Sometimes it is not very clearly documented what the requirements are

There might be better approaches for achieving the same goal


  1. Make it explicit and clear that there is dependency between components
  2. Use higher order function pattern to instead of injecting something in to decorate components (outside in module in Drupal Core already does this!)

No type validation


  • Partly PHP problem
  • Easy cause for bugs
  • Difficult to debug
  • Especially problematic with the fact that everything is mutable


  $variables['id'] = 1;
  $variables['id'] = [1];

This is totally legal:

Is one front-end for all still enough?

Everyone should be able to choose the tools that best suit the problems they try to solve!

Twig adds some nice features


... but it comes with quite some complexity

Does the features Twig provides benefit everyone?


Not necessarily

Maybe Twig should be just one of the front-end tools that people could choose to use if they want to

What if Drupal wouldn't ship with any templates out of the box?



What should we do next to make Drupal more awesome for frontenders?

State of the Drupal frontend

By lauriii

State of the Drupal frontend

  • 1,794