Lifegamer battlefield



  1. Select group
  2. Choose one code version for attacking/defending
  3. Enjoy your battle

Select group

If you first time enter this page, you'll see this

Select group

  • Basic - Only solve the sudoku problem server gives and compare with the speed
    • if you want to win, just need to speed up your solve speed
  • Advanced - Solve the sudoku problem that your opponent gives you and compare with the speed
    • you not only need to speed up your solve speed, but also need to make a difficult sudoku problem if you want to win

Choose version

After choosing your group, you'll see this

Choose version

  • Here shows the code version that finishing judgement
    • you can push new code version and judge it for your battlefield battle program
  • The version you choose will become your attack/defend code
  • You can change the code version whenever you want
  • You can only select the version that pass "Generate problem" and "Finish normally" jobs


After first time choosing your code, you'll see this


  • Code select - you can change your code here whenever you want
  • Battle - battle with others in the same group
  • Dashboard - see all people's rank, ELO
  • Record - can find all battle record here

Battle page

you can choose anyone to fight with the same group

Battle page

  • The result shows round, players, time, and winner
  • if the time shows "NaN", means someone's program crashed or timeout (10 seconds)
  • It will not show result immediately, please wait for a moment (wait until battle finish)

Battle page

  • After choosing opponent, it'll show the battle result
  • Battle takes best two out of three


It'll show rank, name, and ELO with change


It'll show time, players, winner, ELO change

Lifegamer battlefield

By Yao-Hsien Hsieh

Lifegamer battlefield

2019 pd2 project 1 battle field tutorial

  • 417