- Introduction
- Roles in scrum
- Meetings in scrum
- Conclusion
What is scrum?

Scrum is not an acronym
Scrum - A play in rugby in which the two sets of forwads mass together around the ball and, with their heads down, struggle to gain possesion of the ball
What is Scrum?
Scrum is a project management framework for self-organizing teams utilizing iterative development that is driven by providing value faster. It allows steady customer feedback, stable tested code, and reliable release planning.

Who's using scrum?
- Yahoo
- Myspace
- Salesforce
- High Moon Studious
Benefits of Scrum
- Increased visibility from seeing progress at the end of every sprint
- The ability to adjust priorities after each sprint
- More frequent communication
- An emphasis on quality and test automation
- Improved knowledge transfer, especially between developers doing pair programming
Scrum roles
Core Roles
- Product Owner
- Scrum Master
- Scrum Team
Ancillary roles
- Stakeholders
- Users
- Customer
Product Owner
The Product Owner represents the voice of the customer.
The Product Owner writes customer-centric items(typically user stories), prioritizies them, and adds them to the product backlog

The Scrum Master
The Scrum Master is responsible for making sure a Scrum team lives by the values and practices of Scrum.
The Scrum Master is often considered a coach for the team, helping the team do the best work it possibly can.

Group of developers and quality control engineers.
Responsible for delivering pottentially shipable product increments at the end of each sprint

- The Sprint
- Sprint Planning Meeting
- Daily Scrum Meetings
- Retrospectives
The sprint is the basic unit of development in Scrum
The Sprint is each iteration of development. Usually this process is repeated every two weeks.
During each sprint the team creates finished portions of a product.

Each sprint is proceded by a planning meeting. Product owner presents list of requirements from customer and the team estimates these requirements with Scrum cards.
The set of features that go into a sprint come from the product backlog to the sprint backlog.
No one allowed to change sprint backlog after planning

Daily Stand-up
Each day during the sprint a project status meeting occurs. This is called a daily scrum or the daily stand-up. During this meeting each team memeber answers three questions.

- What have you done since yesterday?
- What are you planning to do today?
- Any stumbling blocks?
The team should spend time during a sprint doing backlog grooming.
This is the process of:
estimating the existing backlog using effort/points. refining the acceptance criteria for individual stories. and breaking larger stories into smaller stories.

Sprint Review or Demo
Review the work that was comleted and not completed.
Present the comleted work to the stakeholders.

All team members reflect to the past sprint.
Make continious process improvements.
Two main questions are asked in the sprint retrospective:
- What went well during the sprint?
- What could be improved in the next sprint?

Life Cycle

Scrum is a suitable method to support development process. It is very efficient in creating solutions with the highest bussiness value in the shortlest possible time.
Due to the daily scrums any impediments are known to everyone as they occur making it possible to resolve them as quickly as possible.

By laznenko
- 1,836