Into to Lean 4 and
its use in scientific computing
Tomáš Skřivan
Carnegie Mellon University
Hoskinson Center for Formal Mathematics
Natural numbers
define natural numbers and
prove commutativity of addition
Symbolic and automatic
def foo (x : R) : R := x^2
def foo_deriv (x : R) : R := 2*x
- automatic differentiation (AD) synthesizes derivatives of a program
- application in machine learning, optimization, and scientific computing
Symbolic and automatic
def foo (x : R) : R := x^2
def foo_deriv (x : R) : R := fderiv R (fun x' => foo x') x 1
def fderiv (f : X → Y) (x : X) : X →L[𝕜] Y :=
if h : ∃ (f' : X →L[𝕜] Y), (fun x' => f x' - f x - f' (x' - x)) =o[𝓝 x] fun x' => x' - x then
choose h
- definition of derivative in mathlib
- using mathlib derivative
def foo_deriv (x : R) : R := (fderiv R (fun x' => foo x') x 1) rewrite_by fun_trans
- fun_trans is a general tactic for function transformation
General function transformation
- setting up fderiv as function transformation
- definition:
def fderiv (f : X → Y) (x : X) : X →L[𝕜] Y := ...
theorem fderiv_add :
(fderiv K fun x => f x + g x)
fun x => fderiv K f x + fderiv K g x := ...
theorem fderiv_comp :
fderiv 𝕜 (fun x => (f (g x)))
fun x => fun dx =>L[K] fderiv K f (g x) (fderiv K g x dx) := ...
theorem fderiv_id :
(fderiv K fun x : X => x) = fun _ => fun dx =>L[K] dx := ...
- transformation rules:
- code demo
Array expression optimization
- custom interactive optimizations
- example on basic linear algebra operation saxpy
def saxpy (a : Float) (x y : Float^[n]) := a•x+y
def saxpy_optimized (a : Float) (x y : Float^[n]) := x.mapIdx (fun i xi => a*xi + y[i])
def_optimize saxpy by
simp only [HAdd.hAdd,Add.add,HSMul.hSMul,SMul.smul]
simp only [mapMono_mapIdxMono]
- semi-automatic with def_optimize macro
- code demo
Lean 4
- purely functional programming language with dependent types
- interactive theorem prover
- general purpose programming language
- mathlib
- large library of formalized mathematics
- active community
- easily extensible - Lean is written in Leanb
- support for imperative code with mutable variables
- support for FFI through C
Copy of Scientific Computing in Lean
By lecopivo
Copy of Scientific Computing in Lean
- 101