Make the most out of

side projects

by Leonora Der (@LeonoraDer)


2018. 09. 16.

Make the most out of side projects by Leonora Der (@LeonoraDer) 2018. 09. 16.

Make the most out of side projects

By Leonóra Dér

Make the most out of side projects

Developers usually like dealing with side projects in their free time, even if it is the middle of the night. If you have not yet started one or you have already successfully completed a bunch of side projects, I hope to give you a new perspective and pieces of advice on doing it even better. There might be disadvantages, but I would like to put an emphasis on the advantages of continuously having side projects even while working as a full-time developer. You might think it is impossible, as it takes a lot of time and effort, but this is exactly why I have a list that could help you do these projects in a more effective way and so that you will enjoy coding again. All this comes from a personal experience I gained over the past few years and I would like to share it with you.

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