Future of Node.js

🐦 @level_out

Think in JS - February 2020

Luke Hedger

It's 2020. Node.js is 10 years old. What do the next 10 years look like for the JavaScript runtime environment? Let's find out!

The Past

1989 - the Web

1995 - JavaScript

2009 - Node.js

2014 - io.js

2015 - OpenJS foundation

2016 - leftpad-gate

2017 - Official V8 target

New features ✨

  • ES Modules (web standards)
  • Diagnostic Report (cloud)
  • V8 optimisations (performance)


  • First-class support for TypeScript
  • Sandboxed, explicit permissions e.g. fs, net
  • Browser interop - Web APIs and `window`
  • No more NPM (see Go Modules)
  • WebAssembly Modules!
$ deno test
$ deno fmt
$ deno bundle
$ deno compile
$ deno doc


  • Future of server-side is serverless
  • Compute is moving to the Edge (Lambda@Edge, Cloudflare Workers, StackPath)
  • Client 🥰 Server
  • Full snack ?

Node.js in 2030?

  • Standards based, strongly-typed, highly-distributed
  • Seamless, lightweight interop with client
  • Fully controlling web apps via serverless server-side rendering


  • Node.js dot dev - https://nodejs.dev/
  • ES Modules - https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html
  • Diagnostic Report - https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v12.x/docs/api/report.html#report_usage
  • Deno - https://deno.land/
  • Full-Stack Development in the Era of Serverless Computing - https://medium.com/@dabit3/full-stack-development-in-the-era-of-serverless-computing-c1e49bba8580
  • What's next for serverless architecture? - https://www.itworld.com/article/3526480/whats-next-for-serverless-architecture.html

Future of Node.js 🔮

By Luke

Future of Node.js 🔮

It's 2020. Node.js is 10 years old. What do the next 10 years look like for the JavaScript runtime environment? Let's find out!

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