Lisa Gringl
Francesco Novy

JS Development
- Collaboration
- Why ...
- ... should designers code?
- ... should developers design?
- Documentation: Why & How?
- Code Documentation
- Living Styleguide
- Component Guide
Between Developers & Designers

Common Workflow

Better Workflow

Why you need to be able to code

When you try to code for the first time

Source: http://thecodinglove-unofficial.soup.io/post/669690240/When-a-graphic-designer-tries-to-code
<div class="message {{if isError "message--error"}}">
Info Message!
Handlebars Code Example
{{#each items as |item|}}
<li class="my-item {{if item.hasError "my-item--error"}}">

"The button should have a transition between all states"
$transition-time: 0.3s;
transition: background-color box-shadow $transition-time ease-in-out;
Design Specifications
Why you need to be able to understand design

Developers should care about Design
- Does it make sense?
- Is it consistent to other pages/components?
- Talk to the Designer!
- Give constructive feedback

CSS Quality is Important
CSS Structure
BEM = Block, Element, Modifier
<ul class="nav">
<li class="nav__item">Index</li>
<li class="nav__item nav__item--active">Products</li>
<li class="nav__item">Contact</li>
- Naming Convention
- Block (nav)
- Element (nav__item)
- Modifier (nav__item--active)
Data Model != UI
Why and How
- Consistency
- Easier Cross-Browser Testing
- Faster Workflow
But How?
Always be 100% in sync with your codebase!
Code Documentation

* A simple component to display a loading spinner.
* ```hbs
* {{loading-spinner}}
* ```
* @namespace Component
* @class LoadingSpinner
* @extends Ember.Component
* The lot to display in this component.
* @attribute lot
* @type {Model.Lot}
lot: null,
* This action is called whenever the lot is clicked.
* @event action
* @param {Model.Lot} lot The lot that was clicked on
* @public
action: null
* A specific function that does something.
* @method doSomething
* @param {Model.Lot} lot The lot to do something with
* @return {Boolean}
doSomething(lot) {
// do something in here
return !!lot;
Living Styleguide

UI Inventory
of existing application

outlines design direction

Living Style Guide
Workflow Summary

- broccoli-livingstyleguide
- Make some basic configuration
- Create a Sass and Markdown file with the same name
- Start styling
CSS Partial
.button {
padding: 13px 20px;
width: 100%;
border: none;
font-family: $main-font;
border-radius: $border-radius;
box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($color-darkgrey, 0.4);
@include base-button($white, $color-primary);
Stylesheet: _button.scss

.button--secondary {
@include base-button($color-darkgrey, $color-lightgrey);
Markdown Partial
<button class="button">Button</button>
<button class="button button--secondary">Button</button>
Markdown: _button.md

Style Guide file structure

Shared Add-on
- Addon contains general styling information
- Multiple apps use this addon
// index.js
// ...
isDevelopingAddon: function() {
return true;
# in app folder
npm link ../my-addon
Component Guide

{{#component-guide-item name="c-button" description="A custom button."}}
{{#component-guide-attributes-item name="isLoading" type="Boolean"}}
If true, the button will become disabled and show a loading spinner.
{{! ... }}
{{#c-button action=(action "clickButton") isLoading=isLoading}}
\{{#c-button action=(action "clickButton") isLoading=isLoading}}
Small Projects
- Collection of routes in app
- Might need authorization checks
Big Projects
- Separated into multiple addons
- Separate docs-app
- Automatic building whenever an addon changes
- Try to understand you teammates
- Work out a workflow together
- Keep documentation 100% in sync with your codebase
- Reiterate and improve your workflow
Lisa, @kringal
Francesco, @fnovy

Ember - Between Design & Development
By Lisa Gringl
Ember - Between Design & Development
- 3,046