Countering Algorithm Threat: Using curated training data to counteract bias in machine learning
Machine learning algorithms are like children, we have to teach them right from wrong
First: Who am I
(yes I still get asked if I am a developer)
You might remember me from such startups as...
And now...
Also I wrote the fraud prevention system that protects your debit card
I'm a teacher π©βπ«
And a CTO π©βπ»
And a mom π©βπ¦
An Aside:
Beginner-friendly resources are attached to many of these slides
My company is releasing a π€ to help you be a better technical mentor!
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When some datasets have cross-validation used on them to train or validate models, you must train these algorithms with a reinforcement learning phase to properly calibrate a bias, because learning models produced by cross-validation are simple to perturb offensively
Use Inverse Reinforcement Learning, show the model strong examples of good, and strong examples of bad, so that it develops a deep bias.
Technical Thesis:
What's "machine learning"
Data has Features
What's "learning"
Apprenticeship Learning
We have always curated training data
What do I mean by "Bias"
The constant factor against which a weight is applied in order to trace the curve of a functionΒ for Artificial Neural Networks
I mean...
What's cross-validation
What's cross-validation used for?
Validating a model that is used for classifying things:
Plant Species
Hate Speech
Predicting how you might engage with content:
Teach your kids right from wrong
Reward Mechanisms
(can be used as reward functions)
Content suggestion trains users as much as it is trained by them
The signals of the world do not average to the truth
Adversarial Data
Consequences Abound
Offensive Perturbation is what they thought rock music was up to
Raise your kids, teach them right from wrong
or they will only tell us what they think most of us want to hear.
Countering Algorithm Threat: Using curated training data to remove bias in machine learning
By LizTheDeveloper
Countering Algorithm Threat: Using curated training data to remove bias in machine learning
Lesbians who Tech
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