Salary Negotiation
Content Warning: 🔥 Real Talk 🌶
My Agenda
- Truth Bombs and Empowerment
- Saying No
- Tools and Resources
- Playing Your Hand
Who Am I?
Founded / C-Suite:
~2 decades as a Dev
~1 decade as an Engineering Manager
No college (or high-school)
Serial Entrepreneur
I wrote the algorithm that protects your debit card from fraud (probably)
Taught 100,000s of people to code
Helped start the GDISF chapter in 2012
Let's start with some truth bombs
- Life is demanding, without understanding
- No one's going to drag you up to get into the life where you belong
- Inherently competitive
- Dollars = Coercion points
- Women & under-represented minorities have less coercion points on average
- You don't get any coercion points for accommodating others
120k a year adds 10,000 per month burn
140k a year adds 11,666 per month burn
Corporations are not People
25 employees @ 10k / mo = 250,000
25 employees @ 11.6k / mo = 291,650
3 million vs 3.4 million a year
1,666 a month is a rounding error to them, but it is 20k a year to you
Managers ask themselves:
What is the lowest number this person will agree to that will keep them happy for 18-24 months?
I have finite headcount, is this person worth the "spot"?
Managers do not ask themselves:
Which candidate is the cheapest?
Is this person really worth $140,000?
If this person complains about their offer, will they be a big problem to work with?
Project Power
Things that don't project power:
- I need less than most people
- I don't complain even when things are unfair
- I accommodate the needs of companies before I compensate myself
Know when to walk away
In Breakout Rooms of Two:
Introduce Yourself but don't "code switch"
Ask them for their preferred salary range
Lower it by 30% and give them an offer
Say no to this offer
Activity: 5 mins
Say it professionally,
Then say it lightly condecendingly,
Then laugh and say no
In Breakout Rooms of Two:
Introduce Yourself:
Code Switch - Be Intimidating
Ask them for their preferred salary range
Lower it by 30% and give them an offer
Say no to this offer
Activity: 5 mins
Say it professionally,
Then say it lightly condecendingly,
Then laugh and say no
Archetype: Michelle Rodriguez
In Breakout Rooms of Two:
Introduce Yourself:
Code Switch - Be Wise & Say More With Less, Reveal Crafted Narratives
Ask them for their preferred salary range
Lower it by 30% and give them an offer
Say no to this offer
Activity: 5 mins
Say it professionally,
Then say it lightly condecendingly,
Then laugh and say no
Archetype: Maggie Smith
How do you know when to walk away?
and when to run?
Do your research.
Data = Negotiating Power
GDI Slack / Elpha / Other Backchannels
Juggling Multiple Leads
Key Moments
- Invitation to Screen - You are now "In Process"
- Screen
- Interview Scheduled
- Interview
- Recruiter Check-In
- Possibly More Interviews
- "Negotiation Phase"
- Post-Negotiations
- Hire Date
- 30 days
- 60 days
- 90 days
Rules of Engagement
- Lie
- Apologize
- Make commitments on the spot
- Talk about the makeup of your family
Rules of Engagement
- Selectively Reveal Vague, Crafted Narratives
- Say "Unfortunately"
- Defer decision-making authority elsewhere
- Speak optimisitically
You get as many tries at this as you want
Be the change you wish to see in the world
But don't try to live in a world that doesn't exist
By LizTheDeveloper
- 281