pg and Node
Bringing it all together
- Use a node.js package to issue queries to Postgres
- Set up and configure your database on a server
- Issue queries inside of requests
You'll revisit these!
var pg = require('pg');
var db;
pg.connect("postgres://localhost:5432/pokemon", function(err, client, done) {
db = client;
In your node REPL:
In an empty folder:
npm init
npm install pg --save
db.query("SELECT * FROM pokemon;", function (err, rows) {
- Something
- Something Else
- Some other thing
This is revisiting Post It, time for a CFU
What is Something?
Where would we use Something?
3 ways to refactor your last project into Something-style
You can use the technique Cold Calling
You can also use Turn and Talk, Batch Process, or Think Pair Share
Something Else
Something else
What does this evaluate to?
- Something
- Something Else
- Some other thing
Revisiting Post It!
Time for a CFU!
Show how to use Something Else on your whiteboards
How do we use Something Else with Something?
This technique is called Everybody Writes
Take Note:
Something Else:
- Do Something
- Do Another Thing
- One More Thing
- These Are The Steps
- I have Named The Steps
This technique is called Name The Steps
Anytime you Name The Steps, make them write it with BOARD = PAPER
Some other thing
- Something
- Something Else
- Some other thing
Check Your Understanding
- Pull up Something
- Use Something Else
- Try Some Other Thing
- Check your work and refactor
This technique is called Name The Steps
They should write it down, the BOARD = PAPER techique
10 Minutes: try to do Something
10 Minutes: Do Something Else, Recursively
25 Minutes: Use Some Other Thing to fix the problem with Something Else
This technique is called Brighten Lines
pg and Node.js - incomplete
By LizTheDeveloper
pg and Node.js - incomplete
- 1,369