"The decentralized crypto-currency "
Lima, Peru
What is
Bitcoin is a decentralized and digital currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. It is using a specific protocol and works by running a open source software written in c++.
A decentralized currency
It doesn't rely on any central entity to work.
- Not emitted by a government
- It is not a company
- No one own Bitcoin
- No one can shutdown Bitcoin
A p2p currency
P2P : Peer to peer
No man in the middle
Use cryptography
Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries.
How does it work ?
How to create A transaction
- Get the Bitcoin address
- Choose the amount to send
- Sign the transaction with your private key
Le Mining
Mining is the act of validation of the transaction
- Competition between several miners
- It consist in resolving a hard computing problem...
- ... but easy to verify.
- First one to find get a reward (bitcoin creation)
Sudoku problème dificile à résoudre mais facile à vérifier.
A mining farm
The Blockchain
It is a ledger of all the transactions.
It is a datbase distibuted between all the actors of the network (Nodes).
Distibuted = security
or proof of work chain
Where To STore your Bitcoins
Technically you never hold them. They only exist on the network but you can know how many of them you have with a bitcoin wallet.
A bitcoin wallet is actually keeping your private key which use after to spend them.
Properities of Bitcoin
- Decentralized
- Accessible to everyone
- Pseudo-anonymous
- Transparent
Almost no fees- Fast
- Not cancellable
Questions ?
Bitcoin Amiens
Meetup Bitcoin à Amiens :
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Hacker Paradise
By Lola Rigaut-Luczak
Hacker Paradise
- 291