Open data

a benefit for all!

Oleg @   [ 'developer', 'data wrangler', 'hacktivist', 'coach' ]

enriching apps with open datasets







"Linked" & API




Web of data


Access (costs, licensing, bandwidth, ..)

Usability (formats, metadata, ..)

Quality (complete, valid, ..)

“Open means anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share for any purpose (subject, at most, to requirements that preserve provenance and openness).”

is it open data?

✓ universal progressive licensing

 frictionless format & standards

 from verified, available sources

 community that shares & cares

is it open data?

how to start using &
when to open data

r u datalit?

make open data



mkdir eukaryota; dat init; dat pull eukaryota; 
dat import Caprinae.json -d eukaryota;
dat push ssh://

Pushed 438 changes (32.03 Mb, 4.4 Mb/s). Push completed successfully.

fork open data

use the tools

all the train


launch your business

Is the value of my product tied to the data it provides?

If the answer is “yes”, you might want to consider giving access to this data programatically (through an API), and enabling customers to build platforms and services on top of your data.

The Rise of the API-based SaaS ChartMogul

What companies have to realize today is that mind-sets are changing, and so is the market. Data is raw value, but what matters most now is how they can extract that value from the data they have at hand.

Diving into Open Data in a financial world Deloitte

CC BY 2.0 Carl Milner

there are truffles ahead!

shall we dig in.

Thanks for the data.


Open data and FinTech

By Oleg Lavrovsky

Open data and FinTech

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