Event Objects



Lonce Wyse

Communication & New Media


Listener gets an Event Object as an argurment

var myButton = document.getElementById("buttonID");

myButton.addEventListener("click", function( ev ) {
        alert( "got a button press!");

What useful properties does that object have for us?

Event Object 

the html element that generated the event


Of course, we can access all of its prperties

  • Style
  • Id
  • etc....
element.addEventListener("click", function( ev ) {
        var targetElement = ev.target;
        alert( "The value of the element clicked is " 
            + targetElement.value);

MouseEvent Object 

for "click", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseup"

MouseEvent properties include

  • MouseEvent.clientX  - X position in window
  • MouseEvent.clientY  - Y position in window
  • MouseEvent.offsetX - X position in target
  • MouseEvent.offsetY - Y position in target

Different types of Event Objects 


By lonce


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