who would your audience for your media product?

A  audience is an individual or assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as a film or a play. 

Also an audience can be anyone who consumes or reads and media.

why is it useful to have a target audience?

Having a target audience can be useful because in the film industry, recognising your target audience is important as there will be different types of people who will be watching your film.

Identifying your target audience early in your pre-production is essential as they will determine the content of your film

Your target audience needs to be able to relate and engage with your film opening.


Target audiences for many psychological thrillers are 18+ this is because they include a lot of violence and psychological issues, which can be disturbing for younger viewers.

When choosing the genre and creating our title sequence we looked at seven, which it inspired us.

Using Yougov i was able to determine my target audience and adjust my title sequence. as you see in seven its featured two males whereas in my title sequence we have two females whic changes out target audience slightly.

Our Target Audience

The age rating that our title sequence would most likely fall into is 16 +due to how it covers some or more adult topics such as psychological issue.

Its also aimed at males and females who enjoys thrillers, the opening of our film will have a 16+ rating become the movie contains a character with psychological issues, however is not an 18+ because our film is not overly explicit.



By louanne adams