Our Goal: An Urban Housing Unit That Is

1. Attainable
2. Inspired
3. Scalable

Our Strategy: Begin with a Central Phx prototype, then learn, iterate, and expand.

Target infill and redevelopment sites in value-add locations close to employment centers, entertainment districts, and desirable neighborhoods.

Phase I Prototype Site:
14th St. and Highland

1. Single Family Lot w/ Multi-Family Zoning & Entitlements

2. Close to Employment Hub at 24th Street and Camelback
3. Access to Highways & Amenities

Phase II Site:
14th Place and Highland

1. Midcentury Trailer Park w/ 30+ Units and Space for Communal Experiences/Amenity.

2. Opportunity to Replicate and Iterate Prototype Units.

View our work at www.venueprojects.com


Venue Urbn Units

By Lucas Lindsey

Venue Urbn Units

  • 586