Innovation Capability

Applied Psychology

Behavioural Design

Mindjam design sprint experience to help raise funds during crisis campaigns

Design Sprint training with Kuwait Government & 25 Private Companies

Design Sprint training for 40 senior operations leaders at annual conference

Behavioural Insight project across 2,000 locations to unlock 10x uplift in app payments

Research project looking at impact of voice purchases on decision-making and buyer behaviour

Optimising the "Restaurant of the future" concept for Indian market + service development

Designing new employee services to enable ingenuity, agility & innovation across 3,000 people

Helping frontline staff re-imagine guest experiences for 3m passengers at London Heathrow

Helping aspiring managers learn how to use behavioural science and design thinking to innovate

Sprint Valley Introduction VISTAGE

By Luke Battye

Sprint Valley Introduction VISTAGE

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