Become a Job Oriented Learner

by @luucamay_

Sobre mí

  • Creadora 👩‍🎨
  • Pythonista 🧡
  • Front End Coach en Laboratoria 👩‍💻👩‍🏫
  • Hecha en El Alto 🏔️


👋 Presentate en el chat 💬


  • Lugar donde te encuentras
  • Ocupación/Especialidad
  • ¿Cómo eliges que estudiar para estar listo para el mercado laboral?


Internet and free content

¿Conoces rutas más organizadas?

🔍 awesome+ALGO

¿Necesitas ayuda más personalizada?


Start at the end instead

Start job hunting


READ companies job descriptions

Work for P@tito Company

About us

  • A happy company that loves 🦆
  • We want to impact 🦆lifestyle
  • We build software that helps 🦆 to have a better life

Job description

About you

  • Experience with ReactJS
  • Knows the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox
  • Feels comfortable with Web APIs

Job description

About us

  • A happy company that loves 🦆
  • We want to impact 🦆lifestyle
  • We build software that helps 🦆 to have a better life

About you

Job description

About us

  • A happy company that loves 🦆
  • We want to impact 🦆lifestyle
  • We build software that helps 🦆 to have a better life

What you will do ...

  • Experience with ReactJS
  • Knows the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox
  • Feels comfortable with Web APIs

Set a goal

Design questions


How to become a front end developer?

How to become a front end developer?

How to interview for a front end role?

How to become a front end developer?

How to interview for a front end role?

How to interview for a FANG company?

How to become a front end developer?

How to interview for a front end role?

How to interview for a FANG company?

What are whiteboard interviews?

How to become a front end developer?

How to interview for a front end role?

How to interview for a FANG company?

What are whiteboard interviews?

How to success a whiteboard interview?

Research paths to get there

Increase your oportunities

Share 🤝



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✍️ blogs

✒️ comics

write 🎶

Contribute to open source

Resources :)


Job Oriented Learner - Aniversario Postgrado UMSA

By Lupe Maydana

Job Oriented Learner - Aniversario Postgrado UMSA

  • 509