Teaching Tech Together

About me

  • Creator 👩‍🎨
  • Pythonista at 🧡
  • Front End Coach at Laboratoria 👩‍💻👩‍🏫
  • Made in El Alto 🏔️

Talk's goal

Show key concepts to help you improve the way you share tech knowledge.

Open Code⋅Open Science⋅Open Education

A lot of the material derives from:

  • https://www.metadocencia.org/
  • https://education.rstudio.com/trainers/#info created by Greg Wilson
  • https://carpentries.github.io/instructor-training


Welcome teachers :)

👋 Introduce yourself in the chat 💬

  • Name
  • Location
  • Current role
  • Have you ever taught technology?

Probably you are:

  • Developer
  • DevOps
  • SysAdmin
  • Someone learning tech

You want to

Teach Technology 👩‍🏫

How many years teachers spend in college?

5 years


To teach

5 years


0 years


To teach

💡 Learning to teach is key to share your knowledge effectively in tech

Key concepts to teach 🙌

Key concepts to teach

  • Learner stages
  • Mental Models

Learner Stages


Learner Stages 👣

  • Novices

  • Competent practitioners

  • Experts


Write in the chat characteristics about them💭

Algunas características

  • Hacen las cosas de memoria
  • Hacen preguntas sin sentido
  • Usan términos incorrectos
  • No diferencian qué es relevante
  • Les falta confianza


They can solve normal tasks


They can work on special cases




fuente: https://commoncog.com/blog/teaching-tech-together/

Give it a try...

Imagine a MAP 🗺️

A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B Competent Practitioner Novice Expert

Novice Mental Model

A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B Competent Practitioner Novice Expert

Competent Mental Model

A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B Competent Practitioner Novice Expert

Expert Mental Model

Be careful with the blind spot from the experts

How do we help our students?


Novice -> Competent

Competent -> Expert

Help them to BUILD

🧠 models

Please avoid this


  • Flood with facts

  • Use of telepathy

Please DO this


Lots of examples and explanations until it makes "click"

Create formative evaluations

Identify wrong models 🔎

How to design a lesson?

and Slow


Long term memory

  • Big size of storage

  • Slow access

Short term memory

  • Small size

  • Fast Access

How small is it?

7 ± 2

Your lesson should introduce 7±2 new concepts

But the most important is

Be kind

Contact me!


Teaching Tech Together (english version)

By Lupe Maydana

Teaching Tech Together (english version)

  • 258