Lynn Langit
Cloud Architect who codes
Cloud Systems
Chicago 2020
Lynn Langit
WebUI | click to create | AWS, GCP, Alibaba Cloud |
Script | bash-like Pythonic |
awscli, gcloud, aliyun |
Deployment | Template YAML/JSON visual tool |
AWS CloudFormation, GCP Deployment FUN template |
Infrastructure | language visual tool |
Terraform |
Vertical bioinformatics |
language |
WDL, CWL Nextflow |
Vertical WebUI | visual tool | on GCP Galaxy Project on AWS |
do icons matter?
Time: 1 Day
Speed: 80% faster
can we solve a more difficult challenge?
solving difficult problems
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "variant-spark-july"
key = "variantspark-k/tfstate"
region = "us-west-2"
profile = "default"
provider "aws" {
profile = "${var.profile}"
region = "${var.default_region}"
provider "aws" {
alias = "use1"
profile = "${var.profile}"
region = "us-east-1"
module "eks-vpc" {
source = "modules/eks-vpc"
"cluster-name" = "${var.cluster-name}"
module "eks-master-role" {
source = "modules/eks-master-role"
module "eks-master-security-group" {
source = "modules/eks-master-security-group"
vpc_id = "${module.eks-vpc.vpc_id}"
module "eks-worker-role" {
source = "modules/eks-worker-role"
module "eks-worker-security-group" {
source = "modules/eks-worker-security-group"
vpc_id = "${module.eks-vpc.vpc_id}"
master_security_group_id = "${module.eks-master-security-group.security_group_id}"
"cluster-name" = "${var.cluster-name}"
module "eks" {
source = "modules/eks"
cluster_name = "${var.cluster-name}"
vpc_id = "${module.eks-vpc.vpc_id}"
public_subnets = "${module.eks-vpc.public_subnets}"
master_role_arn = "${module.eks-master-role.master_role_arn}"
master_security_group_id = "${module.eks-master-security-group.security_group_id}"
worker_role_arn = "${module.eks-worker-role.worker_role_arn}"
worker_profile_name = "${module.eks-worker-role.worker_profile_name}"
worker_security_group_id = "${module.eks-worker-security-group.security_group_id}"
caller_profile = "${var.profile}"
eks_key_name = "${module.kops-ssh.key_name}"
spark_user_arn = "${module.kops-user.arn}"
module "kops-user" {
source = "modules/kops-user"
module "state-storage" {
source = "modules/state-storage"
module "input-bucket" {
source = "modules/input-bucket"
module "kops-ssh" {
source = "modules/ssh-key"
data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {}
data "template_file" "env" {
template = "${file("templates/env.tpl")}"
What does this "code" do?
toward adding complexity
If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world." - Wittgenstein
- "The Dimensionality of Visual Space"
- "A Visual Interaction Framework for Dimensionality Reduction Based Data Exploration"
- "Understanding Visualization: A Formal Approach using Category Theory and Semiotics"
- "Introduction: The Geometry of the Visual Field—Early Modern and Contemporary Approaches"
- "Visualizing MNIST: An Exploration of Dimensionality Reduction"
"Artists draw because they want to convey something they can't describe"
- Bret Victor
"If you can walk you can dance,
If you can talk you can sing. "
- African Proverb
not looking outward,
using only your own context
for Cloud Systems
a particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group
synonyms: |
regional language, local language, local speech, vernacular, idiom;
regionalisms, localisms; informal lingo
Executable Pathways
20 Samples w/
80 MILLION Features
1hour / ~ $ 3 USD
User | Developer | DevOps
import "" as taxon_filter
import "" as assembly
workflow assemble_denovo_with_deplete {
call taxon_filter.deplete_taxa
call taxon_filter.filter_to_taxon {
reads_unmapped_bam = deplete_taxa.cleaned_bam
call assembly.assemble {
reads_unmapped_bam = filter_to_taxon.taxfilt_bam
call assembly.scaffold {
contigs_fasta = assemble.contigs_fasta,
reads_bam = filter_to_taxon.taxfilt_bam
call assembly.refine_2x_and_plot {
assembly_fasta = scaffold.scaffold_fasta,
reads_unmapped_bam = deplete_taxa.cleaned_bam
What does this "code" do?
Visualize | Entire System | Code, Config & Data Entry point (Hello...) |
Use | Visual Grammars | Account for bias, audience |
Reduce | Dimensionality | Show 3-5 aspects max |
Show | System State | Over time |
Verify | Pictured Objects | Reproducibility |
Cloud Systems
Promising Directions
WebUI | log viewer | AWS CloudWatch, GCP Operations, Alibaba Logs |
Alerts | bash-like Pythonic |
awscli, gcloud, aliyun |
Aggregations | script | AWS Log Metrics, GCP Operations Metrics |
WebUI | language visual tool |
Honeycomb Thundra |
Vertical WebUI | language visual tool | JobRunner on GCP Nextflow Tower Galaxy Project Job Executions on AWS |
"a new way to see, hear and interpret scientific data"
Company | Product/Service | Notable | Lifecycle |
AWS | Cloud Formation X-Ray |
Drift Detection Log Visualization |
GCP | GCP console | Integration of estimated service costs | ALL |
Stackery CloudCraft |
Draw Config | Generates YAML Monitors costs |
Thundra Epsagon |
Log Aggregation | Includes external services Application / transactions |
Datadog | ARM for Serverless | Log Visualization | OPERATE |
Honeycomb | Honeycomb | Query and visualize event patterns | OPERATE |
By Lynn Langit
GOTO Chicago - 2020