Data Summit Brussels


Wifi: Hotel Brussels Airport


Maarten Lambrechts

Data science friction

SAI Data Summit

How to smooth your pipeline

19 October 2017





At every interface between 2 surfaces, friction consumes energy, produces heat and wears down moving parts.

Data friction is what happens between 'data surfaces': where data moves between people, substrates, organisations or machines. From one lab to another, from one discipline to another, from a sensor to a computer, or from one data format to another.

Every movement of data across an interface comes at a cost of time, energy and human attention.

Know what goes into your pipeline

Go out in the field



Why build a pipeline in the first place?

1. Speed and time saving

  1. Speed and time saving
  2. Humans out of the loop: less errors, independent of individuals
  3. Better understanding: all the data processing jobs explicitly written down
  4. Debugging

Single tool pipeline?


Data connectors


Export & import

Multitool pipeline



What should be the next piece of tube in your pipeline?

Some tools will help you

Know the jargon

Time = €

Get's you out of the flow

Coding friction




calling servers

No immediate feedback



Slicing and dicing

Adjust parameters

Views and visualizations

Modelling and predictive analytics

Go the last mile

Building the pipe is not the goal,

providing insights and making informed decisions is

Communicate what you found

(and how you found it)

Consider the user!

Use the right tools & techniques


Learning a new tool = friction

Know what goes into your pipe

Pipes save time & decrease errors, but consider ROI

Tool interfaces can be painful

Tools can help to build a pipe, but you need to know the jargon

Avoid latency, get immediate feedback when developing a pipe

Iterate quickly in analysis

Go the laste mile, consider the user

Use the right tools and techniques

Consider the ROI on learning a new tool


Smooth data pipelines


Friction in the data pipeline

By maartenzam

Friction in the data pipeline

  • 2,947