ENGL 368: Library Research

Mackenzie Brooks

Assistant Professor & Digital Humanities Librarian

English Department Liaison

brooksm@wlu.edu // Leyburn M37

March 10, 2016

By the end of this session, you will...

  1. Understand how a library works.

  2. Be able to "search everything."

  3. Try out some English databases.

  4. Have a framework for evaluating sources

How the Library Works

How the Library Works

Collections + People


words of wisdom

1. Research is iterative.

2. Information overload = filter failure.

3. There is no perfect source. There is no perfect database.




Search Everything is:

  • a discovery tool/system/service
  • something we pay for
  • potentially biased
  • one of the best of its kind
  • still not perfect
  • constantly changing

Everything =

  • 384,267 e-books
  • 94,735 e-journals
  • 513,255,675 records
  • 975,050 catalog items (mostly print)
  • 1.5 billion citations
  • 90 content types


You have to tell Search Everything that you know what you're looking for.


If Search Everything is too much, try a discipline-specific database.


A-Z Database > limit by subject

English databases

- Literature Online (LION)

- MLA International Bibliography

- Literature Resource Center

A word on Google Scholar...

Zotero and ILL are your best friends.




Services > Interlibrary Loan

ENGL 368: Library Research

By Mackenzie Brooks

ENGL 368: Library Research

Library research session given to ENGL 368: Modern American Novel // Prof. Conner // 3/10/16

  • 1,025